Cheapest Brass Polish

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Dec 6, 2006
So far, the cheapest brass polish (for tumbling cases in walnut media) I have found is Lyman Turbo Brite 20 ounces for $9.99 + $5.00 shipping from Cabela's.

Anybody know of a cheaper source?

What about liquid compound used by auto body to polish a wet-sanded laquer paint job? Is car paint liquid compound the same thing as what we use for case polishing?
I've read Nu Finish Car polish thinned out with a little mineral spirits added to the media and tumbled for awhile prior to adding the brass works good.
I use Franklin Armory polish from Midway. I don't know if it's the cheapest, but it works great . Folks here have all sorts of concoctions for shining up brass. :)
I use Nu-finish car polish not thinned out. Two cap fulls in the tumbler while it is running, then add the brass. Also take a dryer sheet and cut it into about 10 pieces and add them to the tumbler. They will collect the crud and keep your media clean.
I use turtle wax brand car polish thined with alcohol or mineral spirits. It even comes in two grits. red / course or white / fine. (and its cheap to) Any Polish / abrasive can be used. just make sure there is no amonia in it (nose test will tell that).:D
I use Turtle wax with both wallnut and corn cob media. However, I get mine for $0.25 to $0.50 at rummage sales. And yes, I scrounge thru the garbage cans at the range.
I use the same method as RustyFN with corn cob media and it work outstanding:

I use Nu-finish car polish not thinned out. Two cap fulls in the tumbler while it is running, then add the brass. Also take a dryer sheet and cut it into about 10 pieces and add them to the tumbler. They will collect the crud and keep your media clean.

The last brass I cleaned took only an hour and a half to clean polish like new.
Brasso.............................. Walgreens,Wal Mart. All you need is two tablespoons for a standard tumbler..:)
I started using Nu Finish since my father has a bunch of it and it's ammonia free. What I do though is run the tumbler with media and no brass in it. I put in no more than a tablespoon in the tumbler and then add about a tablespoon of mineral spirits. I'll let the tumbler run for about 10 minutes to mix the stuff around. Then I toss in the brass and a dryer/fabric softener sheet.

Cartridge brass is 70% coper and 30% zink. Ammonia leeches the zink from the brass at a rapid rate, the longer the contact, the more that is leeched. A small reduction in the % zink will cause the brass to be brittle and can cause catastrophic rupture of the case.

Try this experiment: put a dab of brasso on a case that is trashed. let it sit for an hour, then remove. You will see the brass is now redish. This is the copper showing, brass has a loss of zink.
Another NuFinish here. I was talking with a guy who processed brass commercially and that's what he used. Purchased from Advance Auto it's approximately 1/2 the cost of Reloading polish additives. I use it straight, two capfulls per two 12 oz coffee cans of corn media. And you can use it on your car too!

Case lube? 1/2 lanolin, 1/2 isopropyl alcohol.
I also use the NuFinish. One capful added to the media along with the previouly mentioned use of a "Bounce" dryer fabric softener sheet cut into strips.

+1 for Nu Finish. Purchased a bottle yesterday and tumbled 3 different batches of spent brass:

- twice fired brass: 3 hrs
- rinsed brass (vinegar/salt): 4 hrs
- dirty range pickups: 6 hrs

Eventually all cases were shining like new.

I only use 2 table spoons in my tumble. I will put the brasso in without any brass, let the tumble run with the top off till the media has no more clumps.
I have been reloading for twenty years and never had a problem(knock on wood).
My method has evolved...
I throw about a capfull of Nu Finish in a plastic bag with brass and shake shake shake-then I dump the contents into tumbler with plain corn media-works great.
+1 for Nu-Finish Care Was. I think it is the smae stuff dillon sells only costs a lot less. Nix on brasso. I don;t want to be knocking on the wooden top of my casket.

Take Care

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