check out this holster

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Jun 6, 2003
Friendswood, Tx
Go down on the right hand side and check this out.

Wanted to give you a report on the Kangaroo Holster.


Got my first one and tried it for a few days. I bought the AM model. It was supposed to have a slot on the off hand side for a spare magazine. It did, however the slot was too far behind my back for me to reach it.

I gave them a call and explained my problem to them and they put a new one in the mail for me. Recieved it in two days.

I think this is the best holster/mag carrier combination I have ever seen. It absolutely conceals. it is very comfortable. I can wear it with anything. The only negative I can think of is: if I use a pullover shirt, I have to lift the hem of the shirt to get to the gun. It certainly is doable - although not the fastest presentation ever. With a button shirt it is as fast as any other presentation I have found.

I highly recommend this holster. Good design, good workmanship, and GREAT customer service.

How do you get to your gun, rip your shirt all the way up, or rip open your buttons and go for it- shoulder-holster style?

If I am wearing a shirt and tie, I just leave one of the buttons open under the tie. If a button cover shirt I simply leave one button undone or if all are buttoned I unbotton one if I feel I am in a situation where I need to be better prepared.

I am still always looking at alternatives ... as much as anything to help cope with various carry situations and clothing etc.

Question tho .... and maybe i should direct it to the manufacturer ...... how is this gonna cope with sweat? Lots of it? I reckon this could work in summer but - I sweat more than any living being ... so wonder if this is gonna finish up needing wringing out part the ways thru a day!:p
Thanks for the input, Sensei. I must look into this one. As a matter of interest, what firearm do you carry in it? I assume it would be better with a lighter gun, such as a S&W snubby or perhaps a Kahr polymer-frame pistol?
It is no quick draw rig. It is for "deep" cover. When you may need it, but not in a hurry. :uhoh:


It is made of cotton! I imagine you just wear it all day and wash and dry at the end. AT least the ad states that you wash it with the undies :eek:

Comfort, well, you decide. I might try one for under the polo shirt in low-risk areas.
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