Chicago Sues Glock


Contributing Member
Jul 3, 2014
SE Wisconsin
Chicago has a history of blaming others for their failed policies which have led to it being a crime ridden city. The most common thing I heard when living there was the failure of neighboring states to have more stringent gun laws leads to an influx of guns into Chicago from those states. It is of course a bunch of hog wash. Given that I'm not sure why I was surprised to see that they're now suing Glock for their violent crime problems. Apparently someone at Glock made the decision for Chicago to not prosecute violent criminals, refuse to offer a school voucher or choice program so lower income kids have to attend gang infested schools where they learn little and have no future, etc. It's a frivolous lawsuit and should be dismissed, but the fact that this was filed in Cook County makes me wonder how far it'll go.

So if I get it right they’re arguing Glocks are now “readily convertible” (i think is the term)

Yeah, that could be interesting, from what I understand they are fairly easy to convert nowadays. I’m not entirely sure it is a frivolous suit, it may some legal merit. But not only am I no lawyer, I admittedly don’t know what I’m talking about.
Gee, nowhere in the article did I read that the city of Chicago would actually give any of the money awarded (assuming it wins the suit) to the innocent victims (and/or their families) of shootings in which Glock pistols (with The Switch) were used...

Only horse crap such as: awarding damages against Glock for a reasonable sum of money that will fairly compensate the City for its damages; (gosh, what's considered "reasonable?") awarding judgment against Glock for a sum of money that will allow the City to abate the nuisance that Glock has created; (and WTH does that look like?) awarding fines against Glock under MCC § 2-25-090 and MCC § 1-20-060; ordering Glock to disgorge profits obtained through unlawful conduct; awarding the City pre- and post-judgment interest, to the extent allowable; awarding the City exemplary damages; and awarding the City its costs of investigation and suit, including any reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.” (because of course the lawyers gotta get paid)

One of the most tragic aspects of American culture today is that we've seemingly reached a point where litigation is considered the answer to any and all social problems.
Well, would you expect Chicago to sue all the violent criminals who possess/use the 'switch'? What money do they have to take? How about the people who make and sell the 'switches' to violent criminals? They probably don't have much money, either.

How about suing your remaining cops, who aren't able to arrest all the violent criminals? That won't work, and will only cost you even more of your cops.

Go for the deep pockets and sue the gun company ... right? o_O
Glock was quite responsible for the PLCAA getting passed. Where they traced guns sold to LEO agencies to crime scenes.

I’d love to see that replay again in this case
Got a simple fix. You get caught using a modified Glock in a crime you get death penalty. Won't happen but I'd bet it would help.
The criminals carrying these full auto modified pistols don't expect to live long enough on the streets to see their 40s, I doubt a possible state execution after 15-20 years of incarceration on death row will deter many.
Chicago, along with a dozen or more Blue Cities ( Baltimore, Detroit , Memphis, St.Louis, New Orleans, D.C, ,Camden , etc.
are just hapless hot beds of crime ,among rival thugs fighting over drug turf, guns and women..

The citizens of these pitiful towns keep voting in the same liberal despots election after election. So what they sow they continue to reap the deadly results.
For some reason, no one wants to admit to or then implement a strategy to combat “people problems”.

I see it at my work. I see it in personal social situations. I see it in law. I see it in government.

So many people problems are trying to be solved by manipulating or implementing new hardware as opposed to demanding compliance (with consequences to those who will not) of the folks who refuse to or are too stupid to follow the laws properly.
Chicago has a history of blaming others for their failed policies which have led to it being a crime ridden city. The most common thing I heard when living there was the failure of neighboring states to have more stringent gun laws leads to an influx of guns into Chicago from those states. It is of course a bunch of hog wash. Given that I'm not sure why I was surprised to see that they're now suing Glock for their violent crime problems. Apparently someone at Glock made the decision for Chicago to not prosecute violent criminals, refuse to offer a school voucher or choice program so lower income kids have to attend gang infested schools where they learn little and have no future, etc. It's a frivolous lawsuit and should be dismissed, but the fact that this was filed in Cook County makes me wonder how far it'll go.

I see these ghetto jack wagons on YT/TT posting themselves openly using illegal "G switches" and they continue to post content on the regular, they don't seem to be serving any jail time for their blatant felonies. I have to say, I would bet a good sum of $$$ that if I posted such a video, I'd be visited in a very timely fashion, nevermind posting them regularly. These guys are litterally posting themselves spraying converted FA Glocks just off the side of a road right into the wild blue w/ no backstop, alleyways and other public spaces, etc..... Doesn't seem like the media or law enforcement want to pull at that particular thread.

It really does seem to be an issue for which there is absolutely no appetite to go after certain demographics for their crimes, be it federal drug & firearms violations and if they do it's low bail, reduced charges, plead out to a lesser misdemeanor and go back out and do the same thing 35 more times and never even see a cell.

They just don't want people to see that their half baked policy prescriptions on guns are failures and oppose common sense on a basic level, they just always want to "appear" to be solving the problem.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.Cant enforce the laws....blame the gun.Chicago has one of the worst gang problems in the country.....blame the gun.The problem here is they wont admit to non-enforcement of current laws or their gang problems.If they did they would have to do something about it.And nobody there knows how to fix either.
Stories like this are very confusing to me and it just makes me frustrated, and wish I understood the law better. I thought consumer products were generally protected from lawsuits if damages were a result of illegal/improper use- murder seems like it would fall under at least 1 of these categories. Those switch gadgets are very illegal as they themselves are considered a FA weapon as I understand- of course, this would not apply to a private owner of one of these things who had gone through the required NFA process, but I doubt the people causing these problems have tax stamps for their modified guns. The facts that I know for sure is that Glock has been making their pistols since 1982, and those FA switches are a fairly new phenomenon on the streets- I never even heard of them prior to 2014 or so- but something I would think is important to know is that Glock didn't produce these illegal switches. This makes me think that the wrong party is being sued. Maybe Chicago should sue china, since I have been told that lots of these things are produced and smuggled in from there. And maybe sure them for fentanyl too.

To muddy the waters even more, the internet told me that the standard sidearm of the Chicago PD is a Glock pistol. So the municipality that is suing Glock is a customer of Glock. Will the plaintiff continue to do business with Glock while this matter is still in the system? Is continuing to do business with the opposition in the middle of a big lawsuit even legal? Cause it seems like a bad idea to me- definitely an awkward situation, and a serious concern if the police can't get goods and services for their pistols (replacement guns, factory warranty work, repair parts, specialty tools, magazines, armorer support and training, etc,)

Lastly, with the war-zone like situation on the ground in chiraq, it doesn't seem like enforcement and pacification of these specific "trouble areas" in the windy city is even a goal. I think people in charge prefer to just complain about it and blame the fact that they can't get the undesirable elements of their own population under control on people who don't even live near that place. I would think the feds would want to have a much heavier footprint on the ground there in terms of manpower for enforcement purposes. I believe most new employees of taxpayer funded LE agencies like the atf, DEA, FBI, etc. should expect their first assignment to be a "hardship assignment" to a trouble spot like chi town. The additional manpower is obviously needed (since the local authorities are either incapable, unwilling, or not allowed to fix their problems) and these new highly trained agents would get so much valuable experience right out of the gate, since failed policies have made these enclaves of crime such a target rich area for enforcement ops. Most of these offenders don't seem to have much sense, considering they are putting pics and videos of themselves all over social media with these weapons- most people see another felon that can't be stopped, but a highly trained operator should laugh at that and see that fool as an easy win for apprehension. NOT taking measures like this shows me a lack of dedication to fixing the problem. I truly believe taxpayer funded LE assets could be better put to use to protect and serve our citizenry by placing them in these lawless places to regain control, instead of squandering that talent by using them for menial work like going to people's homes to scold them for possibly purchasing something in the past that a body other than congress decided at a later time is illegal, or disrupting honest merchants trying to do business.
sidearm of Chicago PD is a Glock pistol. So the municipality that is suing Glock is a customer of Glock
The city's administration hates the police as much as they hate the gun manufacturers.
I would think the feds would want to have a much heavier footprint on the ground there in terms of manpower for enforcement purposes.
That was tried a few years ago (prior to the last election). The cities and the ACLU threw a big fit over it. Since the 3 strike rule was replaced with T-ball for criminals, there's no fear of consequences. Add in the cashless bail stuff, people are back on the street before the ink is dry on charging documents. Judges dropping federal gun charges that you or I would be hammered for...if Chicago were in any other country, Americans would be advised against travelling there.
Chicago has a history of blaming others for their failed policies which have led to it being a crime ridden city. The most common thing I heard when living there was the failure of neighboring states to have more stringent gun laws leads to an influx of guns into Chicago from those states. It is of course a bunch of hog wash. Given that I'm not sure why I was surprised to see that they're now suing Glock for their violent crime problems. Apparently someone at Glock made the decision for Chicago to not prosecute violent criminals, refuse to offer a school voucher or choice program so lower income kids have to attend gang infested schools where they learn little and have no future, etc. It's a frivolous lawsuit and should be dismissed, but the fact that this was filed in Cook County makes me wonder how far it'll go.

And no where in the past few DECADES have I noticed ANY "politician" even attempt to make the USE of any weapon a further crime.

Exactly the opposite in fact, use a weapon and get an appearence ticket ??

SO ------ its not the gun its the CRIMINAL,as we all can readily see.

Now what !
Got a simple fix. You get caught using a modified Glock in a crime you get death penalty. Won't happen but I'd bet it would help.
See, I'm generally opposed to punishments being based on the tools that are used, rather than the action committed. If person A murders person B with a full auto Glock and person C murders person D with a hammer, the punishment for A and C shouldn't be any different.
. Most of these offenders don't seem to have much sense, considering they are putting pics and videos of themselves all over social media with these weapons- most people see another felon that can't be stopped, but a highly trained operator should laugh at that and see that fool as an easy win for apprehension.
Right, like "look at this, this fool just posted this video of himself shooting an illegally converted FA Glock, let go sit on his Aunties house for 2 hours and wait for him to show up with it tucked in his waistband".

It's a waste of time and unnecessary risk for the LEO since the prosecutor isn't going to touch him, more likely you just open yourself up to a lawsuit. It's why cops stopped doing their jobs in Baltimore, the guys would get cut free within an hour and their departments were constantly in court defending the arrest.
It just seems that if the feds were more engaged at the street level in places like baltimore and chicago and used all of the tools available to them to put strong federal charges on these people, they might make more progress where city/county/state agencies have fallen short, whether the shortfalls are due to inability, lack of motivation to work, or a lack of support from their superiors. I also think 2 hours or even more (many investigations fo on for months with nothing to show at the end) is a small inconvenience and the cost of doing business- and well worth the effort of a few hours if you have solid evidence (on you tube) that could put these savages away for YEARS. I was never a police officer, but I did spend a lot of time in the military. Duty is going after the enemy- even if you think a judge somewhere along the line may allow the perps to go. Play YOUR position, and play it even if you are scared. In my opinion, anyone who is risk averse either operationally or due to concern over legal consequences after the fact has no business in a job that requires him or her to be armed and in the service of others. As in, armed SERVICE in the military, or as a civil SERVANT with the task PROTECT AND SERVE.
It just seems that if the feds were more engaged at the street level in places like baltimore and chicago and used all of the tools available to them to put strong federal charges on these people, they might make more progress where city/county/state agencies have fallen short, whether the shortfalls are due to inability, lack of motivation to work, or a lack of support from their superiors. I also think 2 hours or even more (many investigations fo on for months with nothing to show at the end) is a small inconvenience and the cost of doing business- and well worth the effort of a few hours if you have solid evidence (on you tube) that could put these savages away for YEARS. I was never a police officer, but I did spend a lot of time in the military. Duty is going after the enemy- even if you think a judge somewhere along the line may allow the perps to go. Play YOUR position, and play it even if you are scared. In my opinion, anyone who is risk averse either operationally or due to concern over legal consequences after the fact has no business in a job that requires him or her to be armed and in the service of others. As in, armed SERVICE in the military, or as a civil SERVANT with the task PROTECT AND SERVE.
If the feds aren’t willing to do their Constitutional duty to stop the invasion at our southern border and continue to hinder Texas Governor Abbott‘s efforts to stem the tide of the waves of illegals and fake asylum seekers, what makes you think they will be “more engaged” with street criminals?