More Nonsense in Chicago From Rev Jackson

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Jan 15, 2008
Seattle, WA
CHICAGO – Renewing a call to ban assault weapons nationwide, the Rev. Jesse Jackson objected Saturday to the Chicago Police Department’s plan to arm officers with combat rifles.

“These weapons, they’re only used to kill people,” Jackson said in an interview with The Associated Press.

[Perhaps they should load them with rainbow-colored gummy-bear bullets insted? I mean we wouldn't want the police to hurt any of those gang-bangers shooting at them WITH ILLEGAL WEAPONS!]

Jackson, a longtime advocate for gun control, said giving officers M4 carbines will “intensify violence” and create more tension between citizens and law enforcement officers.

Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis recently announced that approximately 13,000 police officers be equipped and trained to use M4 carbines, a short assault rifle used by Chicago police SWAT team members.
Weis has said the weapons will help ensure officers can better match the fire power of street gangs.

But Jackson said Chicago residents, particularly youth, need more “summer jobs, summer school and summer recreation” instead of guns.

[There's the solution to drug-fueled gang violence... Summer School!]

“I can understand police feel outgunned and out armed by gangs, but that is why we need a ban on assault weapons,” he said. “The killings coming from these weapons happen to be Northern Illinois University, Columbine and Virginia Tech.”

[There were no so-called "assault weapons" at NIU or VT. But hey...let's not allow facts to get in the way of yet another push for gun bans.]

Jackson, founder of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, called for stricter background checks and restricting gun manufacturers, among other things. He said he planned to continue meeting with city officials to lobby his cause.
Chicago police defended the plan to arm officers with semiautomatic assault rifles.

“Banning assault weapons is common sense gun legislation that we support,” said Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond in a statement sent to The Associated Press. “But we must also ensure that our police officers are safe, because when they are safe, the communities they protect are even safer.”

While Chicago ended 2007 with the lowest number of homicides in 40 years, the past months have shown a spike in shooting deaths and violence, including a weekend in April when 36 people were shot.

The city recorded 134 homicides January through April, a 9percent jump compared to 2007, when 123 homicides were recorded in those same months. Overall, violent crime also saw an uptick. It was up 6.1 percent during the first four months of the year compared to the same time period in 2007.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, a longtime advocate of gun control, has supported the department’s plan to arm officers with combat rifles.

ARRRGGGHHH!!! :banghead: :barf:
Aren't most guns already effectively banned in Chicago? Why then do the cops need such heavy firepower? They should spend that money on a PR campaign to make sure the gangs know they can't have guns. Its illegal, dontchaknow. :banghead:

edit: can we get a link? I'd like to pass this on, but I'd like to know where it came from.
At least he's consistent. Nothing annoying as a big-city police chief or mayor claiming "their only purpose is to kill as many people as possible," while at the same the chiefs/mayors are handing them out to the police . . .
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But Jackson said Chicago residents, particularly youth, need more “summer jobs, summer school and summer recreation” instead of guns.

Yeah, it's always easy to get the fifteen and sixteen year old kids to settle for summer school programs and minimum wage jobs when their big brothers and cousins are wearing thousands of dollars worth of gold chains and driving BMWs that are paid for by dealing drugs.

Get a grip Jesse, if you can't get to these kids before they graduate kindergarten you have most likely lost them until they mature enough to wake up and get themselves together, if they ever do.

Youth programs make a difference, but something has to be done to break the cycle of violence, and it ain't gun control. These gang-bangers will find weapons and do what they do. They will also bring new blood into the gangs to replace, or augment, the old.

There is no such thing as disfunctional behavior! A behavior that is disfunctional will extinct itself because it doesn't work. In the world these gang-bangers live their behavior is functional. it works for them and they will continue to behave that way as long as it does.

It's a complex issue and banning their weapon of choice will accomplish nothing.

First, they don't care about the law; they will just ignore that along with the rest of the laws they are ignoring.

Second, if this fantasy of Jesse's comes about, and he can actually get the guns out of the hands of the gangs they will simply find a new weapon of choice.

Personally I'd rather worry about someone shooting at me than throwing a pipe bomb, or a fire bomb. At least the bullet has to be aimed fairly close to target.

It's another example of blaming an inanimate object instead of blaming the behavior of the individuals who commit crimes. After all, these are poor innocent street kids who never had any breaks. It's only natural they shouldn't be held responsible for their own actions, right? :rolleyes:
...“Banning assault weapons is common sense gun legislation that we support,” said Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond...
Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis recently announced that approximately 13,000 police officers be equipped and trained to use M4 carbines, a short assault rifle used by Chicago police SWAT team members.

Some are more equal than others.
I hated Chi town when I was there, and won't go back until they honor AZ permits. Being the way Illinois and the Windy City are, I don't have to worry about plane tickets for many year.
Like K-Romulus said, at least he's consistent. His position, misguided and un-Constitutional it may be, doesn't have him advocating special concessions for a privileged class of persons (politicians, police, military).
frank nitti and al capone would roll over if they knew what had become of their city.
JJ: the good Rev. who could (and would) moderate a debate between G-d and Satan to make sure the devil gets time for rebuttal.

He never ceases to amaze me. If he'd wear it, I'd get him a nice colorful silk scarf to jazz up his wardrobe. I just want to see him smiling and happy again.
I take it that Rainbowbob is not a member of the Rainbow Coalition.

Tell the man what he's won! ;)

This is from the Rainbow/Push Coalition website:

“This [gun violence] is not normal but it is solvable. Other countries do not have this problem. A few universal gun laws would have a huge impact and not take anything away from those who want to hunt [animals].”

"Universal gun laws"??!! Holy crap! Notice they felt it necessary to add "animals" after the word "hunt". So apparently the idea is (in case we didn't get it) that these laws would take something away from people who want to hunt...people.

BUBULBUBLBUBLBUBL... That's as close as I could come for the sound of sticking your lips out while making a "B" sound and flapping them with your index finger in the universal sign for insanity. We need a new emoticon for that one.
“But we must also ensure that our police officers are safe, because when they are safe, the communities they protect are even safer.”

I'm not sure I follow that one...I thought the police weren't obligated to protect anyone.
If the founding fathers had used such "common sense" we'd have pictures of the queen on our money. The rev. just doesn't like bad guys being shot, plain and simple.

The rev. just doesn't like bad guys being shot, plain and simple.

Hold on...Are you saying the police should be shooting the bad guys who are shoting at them?

That's just mean and you need to get your mind right. The fact is they are just misunderstood, and haven't had the opportunity to attend summer school.
“Banning assault weapons is common sense gun legislation that we support,” said Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond in a statement sent to The Associated Press. “But we must also ensure that our police officers are safe, because when they are safe, the communities they protect are even safer.”

Only the forces who protect the elite should be armed.

Stalin would have understood perfectly.
I get the impression that he has a routine printed on his bedroom wall.

Something like:

1. Get out of bed.
2. Go somewhere.
3. Lift one leg upward.
4. Insert foot into mouth.
5. Rinse and repeat.
Rev. Jesse Jackson

Reverend?? Kinda like putting a silk scarf on a turd.

Cheese, you forgot two: Evade income taxes and have an illegitimate child with his mistress.
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I don't agree with the Rev. Jackson about everything but he makes good sense on this point.

The Chicago police department does not need such firepower. It needs just what the average Chicago citizen is allowed.

Should a Chicago policeperson encounter more than he or she can handle it takes only a moment to dial 9-1-1 and get immediate aid.
I think that you have to consider the source (City of Chicago or Rev. Jesse Jackson, take your pick). You makes your chioces, and lives with the results.
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