chokes and buckshot /slugs - question ?

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Nov 1, 2005
Northern Colorado
i just got my filty hands on an extrema2. The extrema2 comes with 5 chokes, from Cylinder to Full and a few in between sizes.

My question is: If i want to occasionally blast some slugs or 00 buckshot out of this gun, which choke should i use from a safety point of view? I figure its not smart to use a Full choke when blasting a slug, but I want to hear from the experts on which chokes you can use and not use.

Start with ImpCyl or about .010" choke/.739 diameter, you might be able to go a bit tighter depending on the barrel, choke tubes and ammo. I have had good results with some ammo using Mod, other brands of buckshot and some slugs don't like to be choked so much. It's a matter of experimenting and patterning to see what works. I tend to agree with you re. avoiding too-tight chokes for slugs or buck.

ok great. I have no problems chucking in the cylinder choke (which from i've read, really doesnt "choke" the shot down any) when i am blasting slugs or buckshot, just want to make sure i am not going to damage the choke or the gun in the process.

This is my first gun that comes with chokes (my 870 is a 18" and has no choke on it) and dont want to do anything too stupid with it.
I think I would start with an open choke, check the patterns and then move tighter. A full choke with a slug may take your barrel (or some of it) downrange to the target. Not a pretty image. I like IC, Skeet, and mod chokes for almost everything except duck and geese. For those it is full choke with a 32" barrel.

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