Christmas Wishes

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Merry Christmas to all THR members and I hope you all have a safe and productive reloading 2015.
Im figuring (hoping) this is loosely on topic

Been there and done that. Now I just amuse myself by giving complex gifts to the grand kids and laughing at my kids trying to assemble them with the easy to follow destructions. :)

LOL that's a mean trick..but I like it.:evil:

OMGoodness, these were out of control that I dealt with today. Just getting the package open. Not even getting to the putting together part. I counted 18 twist tie/rubber bands on a 6" by 6" cardboard package that was holding this little doll and all of her various items. Im hacking away with my switchblade at this thing, trying my hardest not to murmur cuss words under my breath with my little girl looking up at me.. ahh, the peace and joy of Christmas!

easy to follow destructions.

LOL, didnt get that till the 2nd time around-
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