Citizens For The 2nd Amendment Group-Seattle TV Program

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Aug 5, 2008
I have a few suggestions/critiques. If you are the one on the video I apologize for what I am about to say as it is directed to the man on the screen...

1. Either get a different spokesperson that can memorize a few bullet points or use a teleprompt.
2. Whats with the driving scene? Dumb!!
3. Shave your face, cut your hair, and wear a suit to look a little more like the rest of society. (Criminals do it all the time when they go to court to change the perception of the jury or judge. It's hard to give your trust and confidence to someone that doesn't look like a normal person. If your viewers cannot put themselves in your shoes, they won't want to watch or follow your lead.)
4. Try to not be so monotone when speaking. It's very boring and though the message is good, the presentation makes it difficult to endure.

The last thing I would say, is it would probably be best for your cause to get a totally different spokesperson that has some public speaking skills/experience. Many lawyers are pro-gun and willing to put their neck out for political causes. They usually have the right look and if they are a good lawyer, they can speak. Or maybe you could just get Mark Knapp to wake up before he talks to you. You might even find a good speaker at your local college republicans meeting and they will most likely be good looking enough to grab people's attention. Your message is great but the messenger needs work. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but most will agree with me that they would have a hard time watching if your show is always like what you posted.
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Yes I am the one with the beard. I put out the word to several people to assist with the project but only got 2 that were willing to do anything. We were short on time to get it done and one man unemployed in our group paid over 300.00 to take the class and do the project. We had no experience and I had approached the NRA and SAF and CCRKBA why they did not put something on to combat the anti-gunners and I got no response. So I did it. Yes it is simple but the message gets through. We do not have the funds to hire a professional. My group is and deals with every day people with every day thoughts and ideas. Our founding fathers were not professionals and I think they did it right. We will do more in the future. I know of no where where it says that you have to look like all the rest to be the best. We are not trying to preach to the choir like so many groups do. We are trying to show people like us who excercize our 2nd Amendment Right are just like everyone else. People who are Democrats, homeless, bikers, blacks and whites and all races all the people. All are Americans no matter what they look like. "We The People"
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