civilian ammuntion must be imported? (in 2014)

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Jan 11, 2009
Annandale, Virginia USA
I saw this news blurb in The Washington Times newspaper two days ago:
Come 2014, all ammunition sold to civilian gun-owners in America will have to be imported, a result of President Obama’s crackdown on sulfur dioxide and lead emissions
This is from an article Allen West warns Obama’s ‘backdoor gun control is moving forward’.

Where would we find authoritative information on this? (Not that former Congressman Allen West is at all unreliable, just that I would like original sources).

Apparently, as the article says, the problem is EPA regs and/or permitting:
the situation stemmed from the shutdown of The Doe Run Lead Smelter in Missouri, a business that’s been around since 1892 but due to close at the end of this month. Mr. West said it’s due to new air standards placed on the company that would have cost $100 million to achieve.
The link in the article to more details on the Doe Run Lead Smelter is, which is just a generalized search of The Washington Times for any content on that smelter, of which there is none except the present article.

Anybody know of this or have any hard information?

Can we stop shutdown of this smelter? Can other, smaller smelters fill the US domestic need?
There have been other threads on this subject here under other headings and also the topic has popped up on other sites.
Most of the lead used in ammo now seems to be imported or from sources other than this particular smelter. This single smelter being shut down will have, apparently, very little if any effect on ammunition.
But it seems a lot of progun rights organizations are making a big deal of this and using this as a bludgeon against President Obama.
75% of US lead ore was already exported for smelting.


Lead is 98% recycled, mostly from batteries. Lead is the #1 recycled material.

The price of car batteries might go up a little, and only by the cost of shipping the lead ore to the offshore smelter and then back to the US battery manufacturer. I don't think this is going to have much of an effect on the price of bullets -- not nearly as much as the panic buying over the past year has.

Lead recycling:
Thanks Tommygunn. In my defense, as a hopefully helpful poster, I did search on THR for other posts on this topic. I missed them for lack of diligence. But I made the token effort.

As for any pro-gun peoples' motivations, e.g., bludgeoning Pres. Obama, I can't say. I will say that, apparently, from other recent "scandals" Obama and his close advisors claimed ignorance of until they read about them in the newspapers, the bureaucracy of the administrative state has a hive mentality in agreement with what would please Obama/etc., so these bureaucrats do not need to be told. They know and do.

Thanks, Bob2222. Wow. Real data! Since you have this sort of data, do you know what percentage of lead is consumed for ammunition versus all other end uses?

So, perhaps there should be enough lead supply already smelted from ore and in metallic form, for ammunition production in the USA. Is this non-reason or any other real reason cause enough to say that all ammunition sold to civilian gun-owners in America will have to be imported?
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