Clips or Magazines

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Ignorance NO--Common sense YES

This borders on nit picking. How many use the "F" word in conversation when not needed or swearing when not in mixed company. Let common sense prevail, most of us know what we're talking about, at least it would seem so as we are able to carry on a conversation. Get over it, there are so many more important things in this world to worry about. Maybe a little ignorance wouldn't be bad here and there.

At my age I don't need to worry about a foxhole anymore. Been there, done that.
Calling something by its wrong name is ignorance. If you are okay with that then by all means continue on. It means nothing to me.

"He that loveth correction, loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is foolish."
It may be ignorance, but ignorance is bliss. I know they're magazines and I know my neighbor's truck is a chevrolet but sometimes I call them clips and his truck a chevy.
have read some of marlins past adds talking about spare clips for their rifles, instead of magazines. Not the first gun company either to mis use the term.

It doesn't bother me when someone calls it a clip instead of a magazine. Some honestly DO NOT KNOW. Can't see hammering that person over it either.

always proper to use the right terminogloy but again why hammer the person...

I do agree there is no use for the F word on any fourm, PM the person and tell him to go F himself if u wish but it should not be allowed on forums. I see it alot on the forum, course with over 20 million posts on there, I can understand not much policeing going on either..
You boys REALLY need to get out more if this is all you have to hash over, again and again.

Whoever said that above, I agree! Clearly there are places in these United States that are not observing nice weather. Today, here in Sandy Eggo, it was about 74 degrees, almost cloudless. Our orchid plants have twelve heavy stalks of blooms about to burst. I told my sister in Puget Sound this and she was rather unsisterly. (Perhaps I shouldn't have ended the email with "Nyah Nyah"). I also told my daughter in Toronto this, and she was a bit more respectful.

As for the topic, a "clip" holds several cartridges by their extractor grooves, one on top of the rest. With your Springfield 1903, you flip the bolt up and back, slip the lower end of the clip into the groove, shove five cartridges into the rifle's magazine, toss the clip and chamber a round. Much the same with a Lee Enfield, except it has room in the magazine for two cliploads. If the Philistines can't get the nomenclature right, well why should they? They are Philistines!

Cordially, Jack

PS -- at least I didn't say "Nyah Nyah" to ya!

Them Redcotes shur were dedly with them Brown Bess rifles. But Ill take my MAK 90 Assault Weapon with its 30 bullit clip any day. I also like my Colt 1911 revolver...its a sweet gat.

You can probably semi-understand the above sentences but they sure look and sound stupid, don't they? The original poster was asking whether autoloaders took clips or magazines (I think he was just stirring the pot on a slow day). The correct answer of course is both depending on which autoloader you're asking about. This thread has done its usual de-evolution to people trying to educate as to the difference between "clips" and "magazines" and others defending the improper contention that both terms are interchangeable. The idea that language is unimportant and the domain of the "language police" is silly. The basic foundation of society and its subcultures is language. Everyone should be happy to make the effort to learn the correct nomenclature of whatever group or discipline they are a member of. To refuse to do so is lazy and to rail against the acquisition of knowledge is indefensible.

Now let us all rehash 9mm vs. .45
Besides stripper clips, there are full moon, half moon and third moon clips. Perhaps the most famous clip fed weapon is the Garand in which the clip goes in the magazine of the weapon.

Jeff Cooper said:
"A clip is not a magazine, a mag is not a clip; neither is a grip a stock, and "stock" does not mean grip. I do not mean to nitpick, but improvement could be seen, if we could bring ourselves to say exactly what we mean."
If you celebrate ignorance then no, it doesn't matter.

X2. Use the correct terminology or people won't know what you are talking about. Calling a magazine a clip is like calling a trigger a hammer.
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