CMP/NRA Highpower shooting position question

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Jan 19, 2007
I've ordered a copy of the NRA rules to see if it says anything about this, but its not here yet.

Is it permissible to use a "worse" shooting position if you have physical difficulties using one of the positions? Specifically, due to cancer and related treatments, I have issues in the prone position and would be willing to shoot sitting instead if it is permitted.

Regardless if permitted or not, I will work on adopting some kind of prone position that will work for me, but I'm curious what is allowed or specified.

There is this too...
13.2 Temporary Disability: Substitute Positions-Any person who has
a temporary physical disability, as substantiated by a current written medical
opinion, which prevents him from using a specified position as defined in this
rule, may assume the next more difficult position in lieu of that position. In this manner, sitting may be used for prone, kneeling may be used for sitting, and standing may be used for kneeling. Any substitute position must conform to the rule which defines it. The Match Director must be informed of the substitute, and may require that the substitute position be demonstrated so he may be certain that it meets the definition of the appropriate rule.
Thanks for the replies. Last Sunday was the first CMP match I have shot at in about 10 years. Shooting prone was somewhat uncomfortable even though I had practiced dry firing the position at home a little.

I'm sure the local group would let me substitute as they also want people shooting. I would prefer to use prone, but its possible at some match, some day, it may not be feasible or something I'm willing to tough out. There is an EIC in October I plan to shoot at so I guess I'll wait until closer to then to see if I need to get something from a doctor.

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