Cold Storage?

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Jun 29, 2011
In the summer time I store my Marlin 795ss in a little building with no heating or cooling.

However, summer is over and winter is setteling in. This is a stainless steel rifle and supposedly "all weather" but in new England the winers can be pretty brutal. I also have an ammo can out there and was wondering if I would need to bring it inside through the cold weather. I think it'll be fine but I figgured it would be best to ask the experts.

Any info would be appreciated.

The elements are bad for rifles, hot and cold. Daily temperature changes alone can cause moisture, and i promise the inner workings of your rifle are NOT stainless steel even if the barrel is. So I recommend bringing it in.
The closest I would come to that would be leaving a rifle in a vehicle, and even then I bring them in for cleaning once a week (ish).
Heat kills primers and powder, cold will make them last longer.

If the rifle is cold and stays cold, it will be fine. The problem comes from tempeture changes causing condensation. The resulting water will cause rust and the frozen water can jam yep the action.

My walmart has a "gun safe" which looks more like a stand alone school locker for 97.?? right now. If keeping the gun out of curious hands is why you've been keeping it outside, I would suggest grabbing one of those and sticking it in a corner in your house somewhere. That keeps it safe, and since it's not in an out building its chances of getting stolen are greatly reduced. This is just my suggestion, a cheap solution to a problem that I exegeted from your post. May be I am completely wrong though, I'm not you and I don't read minds. You really should do a thorough cleaning of the action, though, if it's been outside for any length of time. Rust is the biggest danger I can think of to rifles, especially auto-loaders. You should probably take the mags apart and give them a once over looking for rust too. If the springs get messed up you will have a single shot.
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