Colo. Make my day law may expand..

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Oct 5, 2003
When you find out, let me know..
I think Co is getting it right. Wonder if it'll
go through.

DENVER - Lawmakers may soon expand
Colorado's "Make My Day" law, which says people
who use deadly force to protect themselves in their
homes can't be prosecuted.

A measure dubbed "Make My Day Better" would
also protect people who use deadly force to protect
themselves in their businesses and automobiles.

The measure (House Bill 1011), sponsored by
Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Yuma, is scheduled to go
before a House committee on Wednesday.

Gardner cited the case of a Denver businessman
who told police he shot a burglar in self-defense
inside his restaurant. A judge threw out an
attempted murder charge against the owner
but ordered him to stand trial on a charge of
first-degree assault.
Owner still gettting the shaft, looks like..
With Bill Ritter (D) in office, a Brady Campaign endorsed govenor, this bill will be dead on arrival, unfortunately.:mad:
Colorado, it seems is not what it used to be.

Odd, (and I know I'm saying this for the umpteeth time) that Californians and New Yorkers move to a new place to escape the "problems" of the old place, and don't realize they bring those very problems with them to create a new hell hole.
BTW, "make my day laws" is a term used by our enemies, seeking to create public images of dirty Harry and "vigillantes".

"Castle Doctrine" is our preferred term, as it is both historically correct, and does not carry the loaded imagery.
In Colorado, it's been referred to as the "Make My Day Law" by both sides since 1985 when the law was passed. The anti's now refer to it as the "Shoot First Law".
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