Confiscation follows registration? Weaseling out in Cali (warning: comedy alert!)

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Slang terms for "ferret":

Carpet sharks, ferts, skinnykitties, weinercats, uglypuppies, "HEY YOU, LEGGO MY SOCKS", "Madagascan Long Squirrel" (California only, when talking to cops), houseweasels, cat toys, cuddleslinkies, and a bunch more.
Hey, if the're banned in California then they must be good!

Guess I'll have to get me one of these too-

ferret "do" tea

Yeah. That ferret do and water and two days of sunshine makes a great perfume. Rub a little behind each of your daughter's ears before she goes out on that hot date and she'll be home early.

A terrible thought just struck me

Oh Jim...

Dear God, how can I say this...

Does this mean, can it mean...

That you are-

Part of the,

The, ummmm, well... the


heading rapidly toward the door
[geek mode]

That "wienercat" moniker is cute, but not entirely accurate. Zoologically, the ferret is a mustelid, and those are closer related to dogs than to cats.

[/geek mode]
Right, I know they're mustelids. Same bunch as badgers, otters, wolverines, mink, weasel, etc.

There's some dispute about skunks. They were classed with mustelids for a long time, but there's a lot of argument to make 'em their own thing under order Carnivora.

See, under "carnivore", you've got the felines (cats), canines (dogs), ursine (bears), viveridae (mongoose and civet), mustelid, and I forget the rest. Raccoons are one, and the Panda is yet another. If the mustelids are "closest" to any of these, I'd say it's viveridae...African pygmy mongoose look so much like ferrets it's hilarious.
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