Congrats to the Senators who defended 2A !

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Feb 4, 2003
The ones who backstabbed us will not get our support in due time. We cannot allow NE liberals to dictate and put asunder the 2 A! Thanks to all !
I just emailed both of mine. Both deserved a thanks.
No congrats for my two Senators. If all legislators were like the two Senators from Illinois, all criminals would have guns and law abiding citizens would have none!
The senate was and is irrelevant since the House of Reps has a solid 2/3 majority for the GOP. There is no way in hell any new gun control legislation could get passed. Been saying that all along.
Beat me to it Steve51.
Our two worthless senators will get nothing but comtempt from me.
I have HIGH PRAISE for the courageous Democrats who joined their republican counterparts in a bi-partisan effort to STOP this draconian monstrosity. They defied obama AND their partys leadership, to do the right thing.
Hats off to Jim Inhoffe of Oklahoma. He stood strong and never waivered in the in the fight. Now Tom Coburn was a different story. He is leaving office anyways, but tried to stab us in the back before he went. Oh well, it didnt work and we will replace him a pro gun candidate soon.
Let make sure we rember the ones that voted for and agianst the bill in the next election cycle.
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