** Congress has closed its doors to the public.

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Yeah, let's censor it. :barf:

"I am persuaded that the good sense of the people will always be found to be the best army. They may be led astray for a moment, but will soon correct themselves. The people are the only censors of their governors, and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs through the channel of the public papers, and to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people." - Thomas Jefferson, 1787

Hopefully, nothing was discussed regarding the possibility of Katrina-like weapons confiscations during a state of emergency, but I stand at a crossroads:

In the event that I believe what SHTFmilitia has posted, and it is proven false, then, at worst, I look silly and open to ridicule, and will suffer endless embarrassment.

In the event that I choose not to believe what SHTFmilitia has posted, and it is proven true, then, embarrassment will be the least of my worries.

So, in the mean time, I'll just be watching and waiting, collecting information, and contemplating, for myself, what to believe.
So, in the mean time, I'll just be watching and waiting, collecting information, and contemplating, for myself, what to believe.

Sure, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and all that. Still, I tend to live my life by a series of educated guesses based upon real world experiences and the people/sources I find that I can trust over time. This web site just ain't one of them.
Nobody's hero said:
So, in the mean time, I'll just be watching and waiting, collecting information, and contemplating, for myself, what to believe.
There needs to be more information. Because it is currently insufficient, I shall also do what Nobody's hero is doing: Mouth shut, eyes open.
There needs to be more information. Because it is currently insufficient, I shall also do what Nobody's hero is doing: Mouth shut, eyes open.

The point in all the mocking is unfounded speculation with ridiculous conclusions is worse than saying nothing. There really are idiots out there that would actually believe something from a site like that. The self righteous here need to back it off a notch and enjoy the humor inherent in the lunatic fringe.
Gotta check out the Wiki on the apparent source quoted on fourwinds10: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Turner

I mean, it is a Wiki entry, but there's a great deal of smoke there -- must be some fire, too.

I wonder why SHTFmilitia clipped his cut n' paste off without crediting Hal Turner?
It is next to impossible to obtain a tinfoil hat these days. The government has mandated that all foil be made of aluminum so that they may continue to read our minds. Only the truly prepared stocked up on tin foil before it was outlawed. :rolleyes:
There may come a time when we need to hide the latest incarnation of the Jews, and shoot the latest incarnation of the Nazis.

Until such time, black helicopterisms and conspiracy theory serves no worthwhile purpose here.
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