..... Consent of the Governed, what does that mean?

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Just read the whole essay, great read!! Like I said, how true, how true! Consent, it's all about consent!! The people of this country have feed that cute little baby shark called 'government' until today it's a 30' Great White, and believe you me, it's coming back for everything they've got! Once government gets a taste of power, once they've crossed that first line in the sand, once they violated even the 'smallest' inherent and inalienable right there's absolutely no limit to the abuse of that power! Government must be bound by the chains of the Constitution! That's why the Bill of Rights was placed in the Constitution, it's the people's prior reservation of their inherent and inalienable rights!
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Interesting ideas here. I think the Government needs to be reigned in. Who's going to do it ? They(the Gov)are judge, jury, and executioner, you can't win. What if you feel you aren't getting equal value in services rendered ? Are you going to quit paying your real estate taxes? I'd be willing to bet you'll lose your land. Back in the late seventies I knew a guy that was in a income tax revolt group. The group had regular meetings and accumulated a ton of paperwork saying this was illegal for the Gov to do and that was illegal for the Gov to do. They were convinced they didn't have to pay income tax. My friend didn't pay income tax for five years. On the sixth year the Gov came after him. He took all his paperwork to court with him, didn't do any good. He spent eighteen months in federal prison,received a large fine, was ordered to pay the income tax plus penalties and interest. Down through the years I lost contact with him so I don't know if he ever paid any of the money to them and I think the group disbanded. All I know is when some one bumps heads with the Gov they are labeled a kook,a radical,a commie,a nazi,a racist, or religous nut, and if they bump too hard and too often they end up in prison or dead. I am sick and tired of my freedoms being chipped away everyday. I ain't ready to go to prison to stop the BS. Die...........maybe. Definitely no prison.
My previous post is my longest to date. I have a hard time getting my thoughts to come out of the ends of my fingers. In the future if I can't say it in 1 or 2 sentences I may not post (not that anybody gives a ????). Anyway........................ I forgot to ask you if your freedom has been put to any tests? Thanks
A. Partisan,
I absolutely am not part of any 'income tax revolt group' as a matter of fact I'm not part of any group! I'm not advocating that anyone here that has a tax liability should avoid paying it, if you have a tax liability you absolutely pay every penny that you owe! I'm not advocating that anyone here attempt to do what I have successfully done for 10 years now! There could possibly be serious consequences, including going to prison! 'They' tried to get me on felony charges twice, but because I had the right information at hand, I was able to legally prevent it from happening! But you've got to know what you're doing, I have walked the tightrope of freedom since 1993 and knock on wood nothing bad has happened to me yet! But tomorrow's always another day! I may very well have come across a 'radical' since I started posting here a couple of days ago, but I really have done my research, I do have some idea as to what I talking about! I've actually lived what I'm posting about, I've got court transcripts, tape recordings, witnesses, TV footage (yes I've been on TV with my antics) , newspaper articles (yes I've made the front pages of numerous newspapers) to prove absolutely everything that I've posted on this forum! My only point is, you can legally 'fight city hall' and win! This is the American way! This is the substance of freedom! This is the substance of justice! My mind and my knowledge has been my only 'weapon' in my quest to be free, isn't freedom what America is all about?
A. Partisan,
What you have to say is just as important as anyone else! I've got alot on my mind when it comes to freedom, I'm not afraid to say it and I can type pretty damn fast, so whalla here it is! It has not been my intention to offend anyone on this forum, I really do appreciate the fact that Preacherman didn't boot me on the first day, but if I have to go, well then so be it - I hope not, but I'm not calling the shots here. We are at a crossroads in this country today, either this generation will now take a stand for the principles that founded this country, those principles that so many others have fought and died for or this great American experiment called a limited Constutitional Repbulic is doomed! It's going down the tubes folks, your grandchildren will never see the bright light of freedom if we don't preserve what 's left of our liberty now! I have tried to live by the principles that this country was founded on 228 years ago, yes it may seem radical to some of you, maybe even to all of you, but how did the people of 1775 perceive the likes of Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, James Otis, etc? Don't misunderstand I'm not even close to being in those men's league, but they also were considered 'radical' in 1775 by many if not most of the American Colonists. This is a struggle to preserve something that this world has probably never seen before in its entire recorded history, a government established by the consent of the people through their Bill of Rights and Constitution whose purpose was to preserve and protect their inherent and inalienable rights! Think about that, think about a world where liberty has ceased to exist, then commit yourself to preserve that liberty before it's too late!
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