Contact your Representative - assault weapons ban

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Sep 26, 2006
trying to stay focused on the righteous path
Contact your Representative - assault weapons ban

To get contact information for your Representative, click on this link
and then click on your Representative's name:

Don't forget to also send a FAX. It takes a little more time, but is well worth it.
Call too if you have the time.
Be polite and professional.

Here is the message I just sent via web-form to my Representative:

Dear Representative (insert name):

I am writing to request that you oppose any legislation which may attempt to "renew the assault weapons ban."

It has come to my attention that Representative Nancy Pelosi has recently commented that such legislation may be offered.

As your constituent, I STRONGLY oppose any attempt to impose new (or renewed) limits on any of the firearms-related items which were previously the subject of the expired 1994-2004 "assault weapons ban."

I will be watching this issue with great scrutiny. I thank you for your service, and urge you to likewise maintain a keen lookout for any such intrusive legislation.


Relevant reasoning per VCDL:

1. Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggests "compromise" AWB might be in the works

On ABC's "Good Morning America," Nancy Pelosi said that Congress will
work to find some middle ground on a new "assault weapon" ban.

She suggests that a new AWB might entail registration and limits on
the transportation of some weapons across state lines. (We all know
how well licensing and registration stops drunk drivers, don't we?
The murderer in New York WAS licensed and his guns WERE registered,
yet he created the worst carnage of any of the recent shootings.)

Pelosi admits that the DC vs Heller ruling would have some impact on
such legislation. (You bet it would - semi-automatic rifles are
exactly the kind of firearm that the Second Amendment was meant to

The Speaker revealed a lot of her own mentality with the following

"...we have to rid the debate of the misconceptions people have about
what gun safety means." Hmmm - I'll bet she wants to reeducate you
and me to understand that gun safety doesn't mean handling a gun
correctly, but it means for us to bow at the altar of gun control.

" ...we have the debate in Congress over the District of Columbia
wanting a vote on the Floor of the House...that's a civil rights
issue...and yet they want to put a draconian gun bill...attach that to
the [DC bill]..." So, the right to keep and bear arms is NOT a civil
rights issue, Ms. Pelosi? And requiring that DC not ban guns is

Nancy Pelosi is NO friend of gun owners. But she is a very astute
politician. She needs to get the message that attempting another AWB
will cost her the House majority, just like it did her Democratic
predecessor during the Clinton years.

Let's contact Congress and let our Representatives know that gun
owners are not in the mood to have any more gun restrictions placed on
them, especially because of the actions of violent criminals and the
mentally insane. The recent shootings show that current laws are too
restrictive as is - limiting how good people can protect themselves
from those who would harm them.

To get contact information for your Representative, click on this link
and then click on your Representative's name:

Here is the article, with a link to the video of the interview (which
isn't very long). Thanks to Stephen P. Wenger for the link:
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