Ohio Assault Weapon Ban - House version

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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2002
TO:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Members of the House
FROM:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ State Representative Tyrone K. Yates
RE:ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ Ohio Assault Weapons Ban Co-Sponsor Request

Assault weapons are semi-automatic firearms designed with military features to allow rapid and accurate spray firing.Ê

I am proposing legislation that would ban the manufacture, possession, purchase, sale or transfer of such weapons in the State of Ohio.

I have attached a draft of the legislation for your review.

Please contact my office through my assistant, Samantha Herd, at 466-1308 or by e-mail at [email protected] if you would like to be added as a co-sponsor to this legislation.Ê The deadline for co-sponsors is Thursday, May 6, 2004.

A hard copy will follow in your mailbox.

Samantha L. Herd
Administrative Assistant
Representative Tyrone K. Yates
Ohio House of Representatives, District 33
(614) 466-1308
As I understand it, this is a companion bill to the one that Eric Fingerhut introduced earlier in the Ohio Senate (S.B 170).

How do you like that first sentence? ...rapid and accurate spray firing from a semi-automatic... :rolleyes: :barf:
"Assault weapons are semi-automatic firearms designed with military features to allow rapid and accurate spray firing."

I'm a former OH resident and 19 year veteran.

Please tell your esteemed boss that the above statement is the stupidest, most ridiculous and inaccurate phrase I've heard this year. "Accurate spray." Please.

ALL rifles are fired from the shoulder, with aimed shots for best effect. If he does not know this, he is utterly unqualified to hold an opinion on the subject, and I would refuse to allow such an imbecile to handle a weapon on _MY_ range until he learned the fundamentals that my six year old daughter has learned and he apparently has not.

I will refrain from further military language, as it isn't appropriate for polite company, but suffice it to say that the "honorable" Mr Yates appears to lack the intellect for even the most menial military specialty, as they all require sufficient sapience to operate a rifle. That he has achieved elected office is a miracle of snake-oil charm, or a condemnation of the idiots he represents. I sincerely hope it's the former.

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