Contributing to Ron Paul's campaign

Do you support Ron Paul?

  • Yes

    Votes: 137 64.3%
  • No

    Votes: 76 35.7%

  • Total voters
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BTW - one hell of a thing you're doing helpless.

I buy the material and do the work and then turn around and give it to the campaign. You guys get some nice decals.

I will tell you what, if you guys state in the note in paypal when you order "for Ron Paul" then I will even donate the funds from Molon Labe Decals as well.
Hey helpless, how about some Ron Paul decals? I'm gettin the feeling that the RINO's won't let Dr. Paul continue much longer. Anyone see how upset Hannity was last night? My voting order is simple, #1 Ron Paul, #2 Hillary Clinton. Let it burn, baby.
I thought about Ron Paul Decals, Give me a plus 1 if you would buy them.

"We the People" are good no matter the outcome.
I'd be down for some Ron Paul decals, but I'd want something clever yet understated. Like what? I've no idea.
I support Ron Paul because of his stance on our Constitution and our freedoms. We haven't had a candidate that was even slightly concerned with them in my lifetime. It's about damned time someone is. They're perhaps the single most important thing in America and the last thing anyone thinks of or considers.
Ron Paul contributions....

I wish you the best with your efforts on behalf of Ron Paul. My efforts for the Republican candidate and more importantly AGAINST the Democratic candidate will be to support Ralph Nader. He cost the Democrats the WH in 2000 and he could do so again. Please refer to my thread for more details. I guess my logic boils down to this.... I MAY BE LUKEWARM (at best) towards the eventual Republican candidate but I will MOST ASSUREDLY be totally opposed to the Democratic standard bearer. Nader on any of the states ballots hurts the Democratic candidate. In a state where the vote is close he could easily cost the Demo that states electoral votes.
"My efforts for the Republican candidate and more importantly AGAINST the Democratic candidate will be to support Ralph Nader. He cost the Democrats the WH in 2000"

Yes, Nader and shady election practices in Florida. The Dems still would have won, if it wasn't for underhanded tactics on the part of their opposition. It's still an international embarassment, and the reason Bush has never had the respect of any foreign countries, even before his War On Terror.

If you're a Republican, vote for one, instead of that egomaniacal clown. It would be the straightforward thing to do.
You missed my point Mike.....

I have no intention of voting for Nader any more than I would a gun grabbing Democrat. My point is that if Nader runs, supporting him FINANCIALLY will hurt the eventual Democratic candidate and help whichever Republican gains the nomination. If Nader runs he WILL DEFINATELY be on a number of state ballots. We can speculate but don't know who the R&D candidates will be...

As to fraud in the Florida recount (and I accept correction if I'm wrong) but it was the Gore legal team that pushed the decision into the hands of the US Supreme Court. I have my complaints with Bush and would never accuse him of rocket scientist mentality. None-the-less I far prefer him to a gun grabbing, environmentalist whacko. He most certainly would have appointed activist liberal judges out of the Ginsberg mold. Assuming Gore would have been elected to two terms we would have added two (and possibly three) such judges to the Supreme Court. With definative 2nd ammendment decisions likely in the near future this would have been our worst nightmare.
Hey eveybody has their angle to work, mine is to vote for someone who I want to be president. Please try to keep to the original topic.

QuickRick, that is great that you have it all figured out, maybe you should start selling decals to donate to Ralph Nader I would be happy to come up with some designs for you.
For the gun owners who aren't supporting Paul:

Who are you going to support to run for president on the GOP ticket?
Tancredo, Cox, Thompson if he'd run-

I have nothing against Dr. Paul- I would vote for him if he got the nod- he's just not for me.
I'd only vote for Fred Thompson if he's the presidential candidate against the Democrats. Otherwise I'm afraid he's too conservative for me. I'll vote for Huckabee and Hunter in the election as well if Paul isn't in the running. But Paul already has more support than Huckabee and Hunter.

Dr. Paul is perhaps the only guy in Washington that I know of who uses logic instead of personal opinion the majority of the time.
pcosmar said:
I personally don't care what banner someone is running under. I do care about their positions, and their respect for the BOR.

+1. So far Ron Paul has the most solid constitutionally-grounded platform i've seen, with, i believe, Thompson in second. Maybe romney... but that's just cuz he's a 'mormon longshot', and i liked the way he came off on tv.

i guess i'm just that kinda guy tho...

but yea +1 for Ron Paul!
I contributed $50 via his website.

I noticed one article where Paul said that many contributed after the second debate and it surprisingly went on all through the night.

If you look at which searches blogs for a key word, Ron Paul has been running at the top of their list beginning with the second debate, and at a much higher rate than the bump he got after the first debate. This is a measure of how much people on the internet are talking about him; of course like on THR most, but not all is positive.

I don't get out much so I do not know what people are talking about outside the internet. I did notice that there was a heated discussion of The View television show (don't watch it, but saw a clip on the internet) and it seemed the audience was receptive to Paul's idea that we contributed to creating enemies by our foreign policy of intervention.

Are people outside the internet talking about Ron Paul?
I've sent in $100 so far. I plan to keep contributing each month.

Regarding talk of Ron Paul outside of the internet... My observation is that a lot of the people I talk to still don't know who he is. But when those people take a few minutes to find out who Ron Paul is and what he stands for, they agree that he is the best candidate. We need to keep spreading the word.
Here's my contribution, a campaign slogan Ron Paul for Prez- no way Rosie and I are both wrong.

Or just a bumper sticker: Rosie O'Paul 08

Or maybe a campaign theme song: Lunatic Fringe corrected

Or maybe just: Still at 0% (unless they round up)
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