Conversations with a Gun Hater

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Mar 28, 2006
Today I had what may be my first true experience with a truly pig-headed anti-gunner. To make a long story short, there was a thread in a message board for a local 1/2 marathon here in Boise about target shooters practicing along the race course in the weeks leading up to race day. Most of the race travels through a secluded canyon through BLM or Forest Service land, is well outside of city limits, and there are plenty of areas to shoot with a nice backstop.

On this board there is a thread posted by a woman complaining about some target shooters who were set up beside the road and the accompanying noise that goes with it. Some other posters got on and assured her that it was legal and that chances are the shooters were very nice people. She softened her stance, but then some guy chimes in condeming the whole idea of shooting in that area citing safety and just generally going off on gunners.

I responded by explaining that the shooters use the area a lot more than the casual runners who go up there a few days a year, that shooting is not prohibited up there, and so long as the shooters are doing so safely and without making a mess, who gives a hoot. Well, old anti-gunner chimes right back in and says that anyone who would make such an ignorant post shouldn't be allowed near firearms. Well, I invoked my own "15 minute" rule and waited a while to respond and then simply replied that if supporting others' who are doing something within their rights so long as they do it safely and legally is ignorant, then so be it. This drew another rant about my ignorance, failure to open my eyes, and that I shouldnt have weapons. Wow. I've come across some truly pig-headed antis, but this goofball takes the cake.
My second response was only semi-High Road. I told him that if he believes ignorance is the standard for waiving constitutional rights, then he should do us all a favor and stay away from computer keyboards. :D
Yeah, the net is an easy place to be stupid..... I think I've seen other people post stupid stuff on the net before, but I'll have to go check..........

Yup.... sure enough.... there are other stupid posts on the net....
liberal baiting is fun

so much so that my daughter makes me share with her.

scoring is easy: you know you have won when, no longer being able to dispute your facts, they turn to name calling.

in the 60's my dad was to say that a conservative is a liberal that has been mugged. sadly, 3 generations of liberals raising liberals that is no longer true. they are now wont to raise their voice that the government should do more. as i heard said--if government is the answer, it must have been a really stupid question.
In situations like this you're not likely to change the other individual's mind. He knows that he's right so anyone that doesn't agree is is "ignorent" stupid or whatever.

What you should do is what you actually are. Point out that most of the shooters in the area are responsible, and have as much right to use public lands as anyone else - so long as they do so safely. The idea is to get your message across to others who are reading the thread and might be more open-minded. If you do it right you may score some point where it matters. Leave the name calling to the other guy and let him hang himself. :cool:
Fluff -- You make a good point. I went back and changed my reply. Perhaps in situations like that (in a public forum) we need to remember who our real audience is. I will never change his attitude, but others may see that, while he makes an a$$ of himself, the gun crowd can be reasonable people.

Thanks sir.
Some more moderate "fence sitters" can be brought to the light with a bit of factual info and logic. Others, like this guy are a lost cause, and are not worth your time.

They are too busy stroking their egos over how "enlightened" and "progressive" they are to ever listen to reason. They "know" that all of us are merely regressive and closed-minded barbarians who are halting the "evolution" of mankind.

As soon as I spot one of these types, I depart from the conversation immediately. I would never try to break a brick wall down by beating it with my skull.

When you're arguing with an anti, on a public forum, you have a chance of exposing your (sane, hopefully) views to others, contrasted to hir (rabid, hopefully) views.

So stay high road. That's the point. You're not converting the anti. You're converting others stumbling on the thread.

When you're arguing with an anti, in private... stop, reconsider, and spend your time somewhere else.
Yup... logic and reason only work on people who are logical and reasonable. Therefore, your only hope is to make these rabid anti's expose their psychotic ways all over the WWW... while simultaneously keeping your cool. Let them get blinded by their emotions and crack... anyway, that is what they do best.

Remember, folks - it's the internet!

When posting on forums you should never forget that there are people out there that simply enjoy getting a rise out of people.

They're called trolls:

Never let a previous 'run in' with what you think might be an anti-2A person determine how you treat the next one.
This drew another rant about my ignorance, failure to open my eyes, and that I shouldnt have weapons.
Invite him to come take yours.

Whenever they say nobody should have guns or that guns should be taken away, I just say, "No, I refuse. Now what?" That always sends them into an impotent rage. They HATE being openly defied.
Gun haters liberals are all the same. Don’t bother talking to them. These people are delusional and facts and information will not help in a argument. It’s a lost cause until all the freedoms and rights they are willing to give up actually effect them. But by then it will be too late!
Ah yes, the progressive, enlightened, open-minded, tolerant folks who think you SHOULD NOT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT TO HAVE.
Perhaps in situations like that (in a public forum) we need to remember who our real audience is.
Absolutely -- when dealing with a guy like this, remember you're not posting to him, you're writing posts so other people can see how reasonable you are and what a Froot Loop he is.
I was on a forum once that had a word filter in place. The word "Democrat" was replaced by the filter to read "enlightened intellectual" and "Republican" was displayed as "Clueless idiot." "Firearm" was "killing machine" and this forum had a "no politics" rule in place, but the rule was only enforced against gun owners, and against anyone who disagreed with the liberal viewpoint of the moderators.

I eventually became a moderator there by avoiding the "off topic" area of the forum, but once a moderator I began to strictly enforce the "no politics" rule against everyone. I was eventually banned myself when I was told that my pro-gun stance was racist.

I have found that anti's in particular, and liberals in general cannot debate from a position of logic and must resort to underhanded tactics and attacks.
Wake up, this is a game we are getting killed at. Right after BHO got in office he twisted the media against Republicans that were against his bailout plan. Its either your 100% Liberal(socialist) or you’re a member of the G W Bush administration……. Its crazy. Before maybe once a term a part of our political make up was lost, today its almost on a daily basis and without a honest believable mediator in the political scene today I’m afraid nothing can be done. When all major information sources are not checked legitimist and strongly politically bias the truth is not coming out….
When it comes to antis, there is an old saying that comes to mind: "Never try to teach a mule to read. It frustrates you and pisses off the mule."
I can understand why people who act like this anti think that people shouldn't have guns. They seem to think that it is ok for people to be rude, angry, judgmental, bossy, or whatever you want to call it, but they realize that adding firearms to that is a bad mix. Maybe they believe (if only subconsciously) that they couldn't trust themselves with a firearm, so they project that weakness onto everybody else.

Just my guess.

Then again, maybe they just realize that it won't be as easy to get away with acting like that if they know everyone else is armed.
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