Corn Cob Media

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Feb 26, 2013
I have always used corn cob media with nothing added. I ordered some RCBS corn cob media from Bass Pro and inside the package with the media was a small bag of white powder. The instructions said to clean use the media and to clean and polish add the white powder. I added the white powder and wow, it did a great job; brass shines really bright. Does anyone know what the white powder might be?
Yes it will polish up the brass just fine, but will do nothing to retard tarnish.

That's why I always recommend auto polish, any kind, but many say to use Nu-Finish, these will retard/stop tarnish as well as polish the brass.
O.K., thanks. When You add NuFinish, how much do you add at a time? Also, I always put dryer strips in the media; would you do that if the car polish is used?
I add 1 cap full of any liquid car wax I find in the garage & 1 cap full of mineral spirits to my walnut shell reptile bedding from Petsmart. Add 1 cut up dryer towel, set the timer for 4 hours and my brass comes out looking like new.
I also use Nufinish and mineral spirits in corncob. About a cap full of each, run for a half hour to mix it up and a couple of hours with your brass. Most any car polish will work, but it seems like you hear more about Nufinish than others.
Clarification:-If you use a dryer sheet, use one that has been used on cloths. As the previous poster said, replace the sheet each time. If you use an unused (new) sheet, you will not be amused! Old dryer sheets however do a real good job!
I've substituted one half sheet of a cheap paper towel cut up into four or five strips when I did not have any used dryer sheets. Do not a good quality paper towel like Bounty. The fibers in the cheaper towels are less dense leaving more gaps to trap the debris.

The used dryer sheets work best, though.
How to know when media needs changing?

I've been using walnut for a long time, although I'm not a big reloader and have no idea how many hours its been in use, but how does one know when it should be changed?
In the grand scheme of my finances the cost of media of any kind is so small I just change it when I think it's not cleaning/polishing as well.

Another vote for Harbour Freight walnut. VERY affordable. Dryer sheets to help keep the dust AND static out.

If I have to use a car polish that I haven't used before I always consult the MSDS lit.
Some car polish/waxes do contain ammonia.

NuFinish does not... for one.
I have used the RCBS powder before. If you notice your normal dry media stops circulating in your tumbler, just add about half of one of those pouches of white powder and it will make it circulate vigorously again. Speeds up the cleaning/polishing.
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