Could Trump use an Executive Order to make suppressors legal without Tax Stamp?

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If that's too much effort, the NRA has a website you can use that will automatically send an email to your rep and senators for you. Just go here and fill out the information:

Please do this, takes like maybe a minute, even if you live in a state where suppressors are not currently legal, its a start and a much better way than some quasi-legal "trick" that could be reversed with unknown consequences in 4 or 8 years. You don't even have to be an NRA member to use this site to send this message.
Recently I sighned a petition that was emailed to me, I believe it was the GOA", I get so many. It dealt with this issue, if you want to change laws or policy, you must make yourself known by taking some kind of action, rather than trying to confer with like minded people instead of doing something, "if you have not". Talking about things is good, but acually staying current on this stuff is better. Hopefully everyone here is active with these new petitions.
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