Crooked Magtube?

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Apr 7, 2021
So this magtube (3 shot extension on there) appears crooked. Maybe 5mm to the left. The mag extender is flush and solid. The teeth on the mag tube are undamaged. The tolerances are great when I disassemble and reassemble the gun. And it fires without issue. So it's not really a problem, just wondering why it's crooked? 20220701_210506.jpg
Because it's a Mossberg. The mag tubes screw in, and occasionally one gets threaded off center. It's usually not a functional problem, but I've turned a few of them so they point up or down, they don't move the barrel, but don't look 'off' either.
On the plus side, since they do screw in, they are replaceable, unlike the mag tube on the 870 which is brazed in, and were supposed to be sent to Remington to fix, but this is now an impossibility.
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