cylinder frozen in Old Army

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I do sincerely apologize for jumping on you. I have the normal aches and pains of a 63 year old and a couple bum knees, one that is almost constant with some sort of pain. I totally emphasize with you. I have my P***ed Off days too and perhaps that was one when I jumped in.
Hang in there and take those kids shooting with you. You are lucky, I never had any Children and now at 63 I know I miss some one calling my dad or grandpa. I do have a great Nephew and a great grand Nephew that I'm going to get to see before Christmas. Nephew is 37 Today. His boy is 3. Those two and my sister are all that's left of my immediate family. Thy're in N.C. and I'm here in CA. Not much family fun right now.
My son is eight and my daughter is twelve. I took my son out to shoot my 1858 Remington. I think the smoke and noise sort of scared him. I don't know what I was thinking. I started on a Ruger 22 pistol I think I should have done that for him also. If it wasn't for my kids I don't think I would be here. My daughter plays the piano very well. She did a state wide competition and took second place. She was bummed when she got home. She really wanted first. I asked her "Do you know the difference from first and second place?" She shook her head no. I said "Practice." She started addind five minutes to each practice each week until she had doubled her time everyday. One her own she did that. My son is a very nice boy. He is sort of a geek but that's because I have been sick for so long. Hopefully I will be able to spend more time with him. Next month we are going to start doing Aikido together. I have done martial arts for 35 years. Part of that time was doing Aikido. I don't think Aikido is a very good combative art but it's very fun to do. Hopefully I wont break, or hurt to much, and he and I can do something physical together. He wants me to teach him how to use a sword but I think he is a little young yet.
Old Dragoon & Misfire99 I can sympathize with you as I also am living with pain. I hate taking the pain pills but I hate the alternative worse. I am 56 and have been on SSI for 6 years now because I am unable to work. I know all about bad days but some of them are good. And when I come to this forum and read and post I feel somewhat better. I can shoot revolvers but I don't think I can shoot rifles or shotguns anymore. I haven't tried to but every time I even try to sight one in the pain is unbearable. My neck is so rotten with arthritis, bone spurs and about every degenerative problem known to man. I would hate to have to defend myself hand to hand as I would not have a chance. One blow or grab at my neck and I am gone. This is why I keep my guns around to defend myself. When I was younger I did not think of my guns for defense, more for fun or hunting. At least I am glad I can fire a revolver or pistol for fun. It is one of the very few things that I can enjoy nowadays. No more fishing, hunting or boating but I can at least target shoot with my revolvers. It is a fun hobby.
I feel for you Gaucho Gringo. I can't get disability. I have been flipping houses for the last eleven years or so. I didn't have any fica or that sort of stuff taken out of my check because I didn't have a check. I was doing very well averaging a little over 100k per year. I saw the housing slump coming. Rental prices were beginning to fall because there was so much money pumped into realestate and there were not enough renters to support the investment. I moved to Montana because my research showed that the housing slump might not hit here, and it hasn't. But I bought us a home and a rental. I was going to sell the 3300 sq ft home in Clyde for about 3/4 of a mil. Then buy a bunch of the smaller homes here for 125k. Now they sell for 275k. But I got cancer right after I bought the house in Montana. But my health insurance is only good in California. So for three years I was covering mortgages and costs on two houses and had one rental. I was gushing red ink. Now I am down to one house and no money and no income. My wife has taken in violin and piano students. I only have a few hours a day that I have any energy and that makes it hard to get a job. I'm really F__ed. I'm starting to pull guns out of my collection and sell them. I hate that. I'm looking for some way I can make money at home. I have a lathe and a bunch of tools so I was thinking of setting up a small machine shop. Take in small projects that would normally be cost prohibitive but because I'm self contained and small I think I can cut the price about in half what a normal machine shop would charge. I can then work at my own speed and on my own time. Cross your fingers. If it doesn't work I will need welfare, I'd really hate that!!!

Oh if anybody wants an old C&R shooter rifle drop me a PM and I will see what I have. I will give you a fair deal also.
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