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Jul 22, 2007

Is carrying the CZ-82 condition 2 safe?
(I know, un cocking the hammer must be done pulling the trigger, I am talking about carrying condition 2 carrying).

Thank you
Condition Four: Chamber empty, no magazine, hammer down.
Condition Three: Chamber empty, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition Two: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition One: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer cocked, safety on.
Condition Zero: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer cocked, safety off.

I carry my CZ82 in a crossbreed supertuck in conditon two. I have not had any issues and I am very careful to slowly lower the hammer and I release the trigger as soon as the hammer starts to give. I don't think I would carry my CZ82 any other way.

Unlike a 1911A1, the cz-82 was MEANT to be manually uncocked. It has a safety bar that is required to let the hammer hit the firing pin. If you don't keep you finger on the trigger, the hammer can't hit the firing pin. It other words; hold the hammer, pull the trigger, once the hammer is free to move, release the trigger. Lower the hammer. You could even accidentally drop the hammer down and it can't fire.
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