D.C. reclaims title as "murder capital" of USA

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Blacks have a huge crime problem, especially black-on-black crime. There is nothing racist about simply observing that. It gets racist when someone starts conjecturing that high crime is something innate in the black man (no one here is doing that as far as I can tell). That would be confusing correlation with cause.

While each crime is 100% the fault and responsibility of the person committing it (don't take this as excuse making) the black community has been destroyed for a century or more -- first by racist segregationists, then by the more subtly racist Welfare State. Thus, it is no surprise that the black subculture has a crime problem. But If you raise a black man outside that destroyed community, then he's no more likely than any other man to commit crimes.

Then again, maybe crime correlates more closely with poverty than race-- it's just that a greater percentage of blacks than of whites live in poverty, thus a greater percentage live in high crime situations. It would be interesting to see whether there is a higher crime rate in impoverished black communities than in impoverished white communities -- I suspect there would be similar rates.
Poverty definately plays a part...but being on your own (essentially parentless) and being kicked around while your still in diapers has far more to do with it. If all you know is a rotten past and have no hope for the future, the present doesn't really matter. It's not black/white, rich/ poor - it's morals and personal responsibility, and those are learned from parents...not by schools or Jesse Jackson. Unfortunately the "Great Society" hasn't turned out all that great for low income people of any race.
cuch, I believe the basis of the problem transcends race. Being in an area where the percentage of African-Americans is about 1/4 of the percentage of the population overall, I do not see this as racial at all.

When I started in LE, I was assigned one of my county's juvenile courts. At a hearing to enter an amount that the parents would reimburse the county for the cost of locking him up and counseling, the father claimed to be unemployed as a welder.

Being naive, I volunteered to the father that I had heard that one of the large factories in my city (they make bulldozer engines and other earthmoving equipment) was advertising on an AOR station for welders at 14 to 20 an hour. I asked if he had applied there.

He declined as he said he lived in a town in another, but adjacent, county and he wanted work only in that county. BTW, the town was located on the county line closest to my county. BTW, the father had remarried and had produced another child who was about 2 months old at the time.

I was shocked, I was stunned, and then I wanted to do violence for he would not drive 25 minutes to work to pay his debts and provide for his infant child. However, I realized that the Welfare State has created generations of people who think they are entitled to an easy life as long as they vote to keep the poltroons who steal from me and give to them.

The Welfare State is the problem. Kill it and those dependent upon it will harden or die. Either way that is best for them and society. IMHO.
cuch, I believe the basis of the problem transcends race.
Oh, I agree. However, since a greater percentage of blacks than of whites tend to be impoverished, a greater percent will see the (ahem) "benefits" of the Welfare State (including what Atticus described). It is a worse problem in the black community in general than in the white community in general simply because of the pecentages you start with.

I'm not really disagreeing with you, but clarifying. :)
Some of the problem is racist attitude of some citizens in the black community.

For instance, I have read poll after poll taken of black people concerning AIDS. Consistently one third of the black responders says AIDS was created by white people in order to wipe out blacks.

Never mind that in the early 1980s, when AIDS was first identified, it was mostly associated to white, gay men.

Also, who would be stupid enough to invent a blood bourne transmitable disease that has no cure for anybody regardless of race?

And, there is anecdotal reports from some blacks who have been harrassed by other blacks for striving to get an education because it is looked down on by some blacks as "acting white".

These kinds of mindsets can undermine and destroy a community. No wonder the drop-out rate in black schools is so high and scholastic achievement so low regardless of how much tax revenue is spent on education.

An example is Washington D.C, which spends the most per pupil in the nation at about $10k a year. Of course, some of the inner ciy teachers leave a lot to be desired. Many good teachers refuse to work in the inner cities, and teach elsewhere because of the danger factor.
The bottom line is that we as law abiding citizens get stuck with illogical gun laws. We have to pay the penalty and have our constitutional rights infringed because some criminals wants to blow each other away for dope.:fire: And we keep on electing the first liberal marxist who promises to make the world safe and solve the crime problem by banning an "evil" looking gun.:banghead:
402 murders in Detroit. Just another great thing about living in this city. :rolleyes: We will be in first place when the stats come out next year. :mad:
I once heard a speech given by a local PRK politician that said he will be "tougher" on crime and "tougher" on gun control..

He said "And I'll pass even tougher gun control laws so the criminals who don't obey the current laws will obey the new laws." :rolleyes:

The stupidity of the sentence haunts me nightly, that he is an elected official...

DC.. Is their slogan "Come to DC, our Mayor will show you how to smoke crack, and the entire city will show you how to become a victim."??? If not, it should be...
Skunk - someone actually passed out that type of propaganda in high school? Even dumber is if people believed it.
There are a lot of dirt-poor, largely white, Appalachian and deep south communities which do not have high crime rates.

Call me a liberal airhead if you like, but I think the legacy of racism is largely to blame for crime in the black community. You don't erase hundreds of years of slavery, segregation & discrimination overnight.
Does anyone realy care when trailer trash kill each other? It only seems new worthy when it happens in the city. Observed a child fly out a window once in Winchester and it never hit the news. The kid touched his step dads Harley was what the word was around town. People kill people! What can you do about it!
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