Darwin Candidates

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Hmmmm. I wonder what Swamp Fox would say about that.

At least they weren't doing something dangerous like dry firing.
Old Will Burroughs used to do the same trick with his wife... until that one time he missed and shot her in the head... :rolleyes:
If the shooter had aimed a little lower, its not like we would have lost the guy who was gonna cure cancer. Maybe in some states there should be an IQ test before you can buy a gun. :banghead:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: I had a patient at work that got drunk, than hit himself in the head several times with a hammer. When I touched his depressed skull fx, he would twitch. I hear he made it though. The ED doc was the only one who nodded when I asked the staff who knew about the Darwin awards.
It seems to me that this is a semi fraud video. The bottle is being held up by a stick concealed behind the idiot on camera, so he might in fact be several feet in front of the bottle between the bottle and the camera. This would also put him some distance to the side of the line of fire from the shooter to the bottle, making this less dangerous than it looks at first, but still stupid.

For that to occur, it would have to be something called a "Forced Perspective" shot, and to do that, the bottle would have to be of a significantly larger size to appear the right size. Similar techniques were used in the movie "Attack of the 50 foot woman" with Darryl Hannah. But, I digress.

There was a stick there but I think the reason for it was, balancing the bottle just on the guy's head would cause a constantly moving target with a fairly high potential of just falling off. Also the guy had his back up against the pole. He had to be leaning against it to be able to remain as still as he did. His reaction afterwards was brushing the now quite numerous tiny glass shards out of his hair. Its just a case of blatent stupidity.
I reviewed the video again frame by frame. If you watch carefully, the neck of the bottle pops almost straight up and then lands pinned between the pole and the board/tree or whatever that was.
What the he!! is wrong with people? That has got to be the most idiotic stunt I have ever seen. Pure stupidity.

I'm going to have to agree with the cleansing of the gene pool comment. Although it would be impossible for those bucket-heads to blow their brains out because I'm certain they are without.
Maybe so. But to paraphrase a politician: "He is no Annie Oakley."

I'd be tempted to say,"Hey, bet you $500 that you can't do that 500 times in a row. And pay for the ammo."

I'm a pretty good shot. Sooner or later...I'd miss low and go,"OOPS!"
This was posted here a couple of days ago.

Looking at it again (without looking at the other thread to see if anyone else noticed these :D ) there are a couple of problems. Right before the shot the guy up against the tree is waving back & forth a bit - the bottle doesn't move. Double exposure probably. Second, the bottle blows out equally from both sides with smoke coming out of each side. It looks like a movie prop with a couple of squibs to blow on command (either by pushing a button or by sound).

as you can see when he moves away after the shot the bottle was on a stick behind him thats why it dident move if he swayed.

The bottom line here is that the guy is just a ????ty shot, you have a target of a retard and he misses, what a couple of dicks :neener:
I couldn't see smoke or cylinder/barrel gap flash from the revo and it doesn't look like anything hit the tree. Maybe the are idiots but it sure looks like a set-up to me. The other link posted on this site also has a slo-mo at the end to check out.
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Nobody even mentioned the shooter's horrible grip. Grab someone's semi-auto, and you'll give blood with a weak-hand thumb like that.
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