Deadly on wood boring bees

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Don't forget, these are great for killing large bugs!;MMcat104792580;cat104690880;cat104223780
We do have these large black bees but they aren't too much a problem so I usually don't shoot them. But sometimes I'll get some pork rib bones with a little meat on them and stick them out in the yard, it gets the yellow jacket's attention. Then comes the fun part, pick them off with an airgun or blowgun. My Crossman Quest sure works well! It also hones your accuracy, even at 20 feet.

Another fun option for killing bugs is Aguila Super Colibri powderless .22s, They sound like a BB gun and are loaded with a 20 grain bullet at around 500 FPS for the Super Colibri rounds and 350 FPS with the regular Colibri rounds.

Of course that's probably going to be seen as silly of me by other members, but whatever. I like to practice my marksmanship and eliminate small pests!
DArn carpenter bees are eating holes through my new pole barn. In an average weekend I kill 5 or 6, but them wary creatures must talk and warn each other because once you nail one or two they scatter for a good half hour. But this idea sounds like fun. I'm thinking maybe Quaker instant grits instead of COW. Not as big as rice. I tried 22 dust shot in a rifle and the little buggers just dodged it. But maybe my ruger OA with a felt wad on top to hold the grits in place until firing.
This has got to the most entertaining thread i have ever read anywhere :D
I cain't wai to try the OP's idea.
FWIW, i have been killin stink bugs with the brake cleaner for 3 years now.
Kills INSTANTLY and no offensive stink from them,( which by the way attracts more stink bugs).
It does in deed evaporate and as Jaymo said, leaves no residue. I have found out the hard way tho....DO NOT TRY AND WIPE IT OFF OF A PAINTED SURFACE !!! It will take the paint off. Just let it evaporate and all is good.
I have also sprayed it ito the hole of the carpenter bee and that's the end of all activity in that hole.
But now..shootin 'em vs. sparyin 'em.
Now there's a no brainer ;)
Some one said here ( paraphrasin') don't let the little missus catch ya shootin 'em in the house( er somethin to that effect )
Heck, i had better not let my wife catch me doin this stuff WITHOUT Her.
Instant grits are not one of God's Finest creations. No self respecting person of Southern Grace would dare soil their kitchen or poison their vitals with such blasphemy. Now regular slow cooking grits. There is the stuff of paradise. Especially on a frosty morning with ham,eggs and Red eye gravy.

Didn't you ever watch "My Cousin Vinnie"
Last night we had sausage gravy and biscuits for supper. As soon as the garden gets ready it will be tomato gravy but i don't care for the canned tomatoes.

"No self respecting southerner eats instant grits". One of my favorite movies of all time. Fred Gwynn was outstanding as the judge and the entire cast was about perfect. I always ask my wife why she can't rebuild trannies?

If nobody eats instant grits then why does Wallyworld sell so many? I gave up on making fresh biscuit a few years back when the frozen ones got so good and I got tired of explaining to my wife that I don't know how much buttermilk is "enough". i just mix it till it feels right and Martha White does the rest.
Them frozen biscuits are sure a big improvement over the cardboard tube. Here north of the Mason Dixon Line, the only passable biscuits come from Popeye's chicken outlets. Those cardboard jobs and chocolate box cake mixes are a doubly poor excuse for food.

But thank heavens, we have factory outlets for everything in Central PA. even food. A bag of 33 frozen pillsbury biscuits is only $1.50. They get instant grits at the outlets (Pennsylvania Dutch folk don't eat Grits, rice or beans, so the stuff goes cheap.) For a while the one outlet had 2 liter bottles of seltzer water for 25 cents a bottle. That stuff is actually pretty good for cleaning muzzleloaders.

But as long as I can get the cheap instant grits as "bee dust", so "bee" it.

Hmmm, guess I'll have to "buzz" over there after work.
Hahahahahahahaha !!! I like the way you went from BP post to food and turnt it right back into BP . Good job there !!:D
Now i can make a mean batch o' maple smoked sausage gravey and buscuits i tell ya what. Top that with a couple o' right out from under the chicken fried eggs and chase it down with a cold glass o' homegrown mater juice.
Saaaaaaaalute !!!!
Oh yeah, then i spose after breakfast i'll go out back and shoot me some carpenter bees with my ROA :D
"What is a yute?"
Great movie, and I'm not just saying that because I lust after Marissa Tomei.

Instant Grits are great for feeding hungry toddlers, because they don't know any better.

I have a grain mill, so I can make some coarse corn meal for shooting bugs.

I think we can all agree that we have discussed some fun ways to dispatch pesky bugs.
I think that Puffed Rice thing is a myth. I tried it and it didn't work. I just got black rice. Even played the 1812 overture while i shot the rice. When I loaded up my muzzle loader cannon with a few oz of rice, it defoliated the Mrs. Rose bush. When she got home, She was po'd. But i told her it was japanese Beetles and the black rice was beetle dung. She ordered me to the hardware store for bug spray. That's like forcing a kid to go to the amusement park. Yeehaw.

But you can only get away with that once or twice.

The clerk at the Hardware store always asks "What did you do this time!"

But he understands muzzle loaders and we are always comparing notes on how to make buckskinner gear with the stuff at the hardware store. Can't wait to see his face when I tell him I need a hole punch to make wads so I can shoot grits at carpenter bees.
Yep - it was a tall tale. I'd like to research that to see how it was actually done, and why they would use such an ad. Just a tongue in cheek on this thread on "shooting" different cereals from BPs. Now hungery for those bisquits.

There used to be a show called Industry on Parade B&W tv days; one episode featured puffed rice and the rice was soaked and fired under high pressure through a furnace type oven, that quick cooked and puffed the rice, the nozzles that the rice came out of were called guns and vaguely resembled cannon barrels. And Now You Know the rest of the Story...:neener::neener:
I understand wanting to keep wasps and hornets under control, but can't understand why anyone would ever want to kill bees and other truly beneficial insects.
I once had a bee hive in my garage wall. I left them alone -- the bees were helping my get good vegetables and fruit to eat by fertilizing the flowers.
zimmer right much nails it. grits w/fried beef bologna the good quality thick slice is good. bologna makes a fairly decent gravy too. sort of reminds me of chipped beef gravy.
real whole hog sausage a bit hot w/sage edges it out though it's a close call IMO.
cheesey grits are good with fryed fish for breakfast, large serving spoon of hot salsa atop.
the yellow grits are a bit more coarsely ground - likely better for the shot loads. never thought of loading rice it would really have some punch
We're not talking about honeybees. I never kill honeybees. They make 2 of my favorite things, honey, and beeswax. Not to mention they pollinate plants.

We're talking about carpenter bees, which are destructive to anything made of wood.

And they can be downright get in your face territorial, and I just love the ping when the tennis racket makes contact.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::)
Imagine hitting one with a golf club.
My wife got stung by a red wasp this weekend. I found 3 nests were being built on my front porch and introduced them to brake cleaner.
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