Dealing with possible drunk in apt. complex

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Dec 6, 2006
Central US
I would like to get some opinions on what others would have done in my situation.

The other night I was at my GF's apartment, which is in a high crime area, and was heading out the door to leave (around 2200hrs). As I stepped outside an individual who looked drunk or on something (staggering and slurring words), started to walk to our door while talking to us (again undecernable words). I told them I didn't want to talk. They keeped coming towards us and rambling words. I finally told them to stay where they were and not come any closer. At this time they were about 20ft away. They didn't listen and so I decided to just step back into the apartment and wait with my GF for a while before I left again.

I was armed, but hadn't thought about needing it at that time. If I was alone and had not been at my GF's house I would have just continued on to my vehicle trying to avoid the person while maintaining my situational awareness, but since she was alone I felt I should stay there for awhile. What would some of you have done in my shoes?

My background just for FYI: 28yrs old, 10yr army vet, army combatives trained, and some martial arts experience. I have handled firearms my whole life and competed on my past NG's shooting team.
What you did worked right? Nobody got hurt ( not even your pride) and nobody went to jail. Sounds like a win,win to me.

I might not have told the guy to back off the second time but that's all I'd change
Here's the words that just floated back from memory..."fall back into a defensive position and if they want to come play with the devil You'll be ready to shine them the light."

You did the right thing. GF now sees you more of a protector. If it had gone down hill you were prepared. All in all good work.

The only thing I would have done in addition is to call the police and inform them of the possible threat to others.
Considering how everything turned out, in a similar situation I probably would have done something very comparable. You weren't under any immediate threat, and you reacted accordingly. Excellent use of the OODA loop, even if it wasn't intentional. All in all, I'd say you did everything great. As mentioned before, an additional verbal warning and perhaps notifying the police would be the only additional actions you should consider.
You did it right. I am betting that based on your experience, you likely could have handled the drunk bum with your bare hands. Don't forget that you needn't always resort to the gun. Its good to have, but rarely is it necessary to employ.
You stayed calm, and deescalated the matter while still managing to hold your ground.

I can't think of any way that would be leaps and bounds better. Sounded like you handled it very well. If it was me in that situation though, it probably would have been my GF staggering around drunk and not some random dude, haha.
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