Death Wish and Bernhard Goetz - Both An Inspiration

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Feb 25, 2005
I just wrote up a blog on this subject, but I am reticent to place it here because of some of the language in it. So if you would like to read it, go to: That way I keep it High Road here, and you have the choice to view it or not having been prewarned there are a few words I would not have wanted my Great-Grandma to hear me say. It is really not very bad at all, but I was not sure if it would be okay here or not.

All the best,
Glenn B

PS: if any of the mods decides it is okay to place here, I will cut and paste it here as soon as you give me the okay.
I lived in NYC during the Bernie Goetz thing

It was great to have a bit of relief from the constant
threats I faced on the subway.
The regular thugs kept a low profile for awhile.
Yes Bernard Goetz is an inspiration. I man i worked for in the 80s was named Jerry goetz. He went to NY and he said a couple of times he was paged for a table in a resturant and when people heard "table for Mr Goetz" they would stand up and look to see if they were in the midst of someone of fame.

My uncle was a detective on the Ft Worth PD and told me if you are arrested to KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT. Tell the cops what happened and then get an attorney. Say no more without legal help. The cops will use you against yourself if there is the slightest hint that you are in the wrong in any manner. They want all the charges they can get. They can drop them later if they want.
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