Decoy and Gunstock Duplicator

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I have to admit, I am constantly surprised at some of the people that inhabit THR forums, and the need for many to try and trash another's opinion or thread. I am manufacturing a great product at a great price... actually, the price is a problem. Many people that call me are concerned that for such a reasonable price, the machine must not be of the best quality. After all, it is one third the price of the next best one out there. But, I am starting up, am a fanatic about quality, and would rather make a fast nickel than a slow... well, you know. Please, MCgunner, if you can't say anything good, please say nothing. After all, you don't know anything about it.
That is a cool setup. For what it is the price is very reasonable. For someone that wants to be able to eventually make their own rifle stock for a custom rig it's really not terribly expensive.

I'd think that if one wanted to get the setup to pay for itself they'd just have to make a few stocks if they could find a market to sell them.

If I had the time and the dollars I would love to order one of those machines. If you need a beta tester I'll be happy to volunteer! I wouldn't mind at least being able to make a new stock for my CZ 550 American to turn it into a Lux style to match the Lux I just bought.
Cool product never seen something like that before but I can think of plenty of times when I would have needed it, just bought a new gun so I am out the $.
Paying for itself

Thanks for those kind comments. Actually, I am amassing a database of purchasers because I am continually getting questioned by people who want a stock carved... I pass on the names of people who have bought a duplicator and indicated that they would carve for others. I just emailed a fellow who wants the names of some stock carvers in Texas... Lee Davis
I have to admit, I am constantly surprised at some of the people that inhabit THR forums, and the need for many to try and trash another's opinion or thread.
Please note Rule #4:

4.) Spamming, trolling, flaming, and personal attacks are prohibited. You can disagree with other members, even vehemently, but it must be done in a well-mannered form. Attack the argument, not the arguer.

MCgunner only offered his opinion about the price. That's hardly "trashing" a thread. There was no "opinion" in the OP. If you only want people who agree with you to post in one of your threads, then perhaps you should specify that in the OP.

I also believe it would have been more ethical of you to disclose in the OP that you were shilling for a product you were selling/producing/had a financial interest in.

Since when is advertising 'Shilling'? Excuse me, maybe I am in the wrong place... I am just trying to advertise a product.

OK, I disagree that advertising is shilling, but I can take a hint. I shall let this thread die and not be back. I can get this kind of treatment from my wife...
Don't let Car Knocker get under your skin. Yeah, you probably should have noted it you who were selling it in the OP. Big deal. Live and learn.

I for one appreciate the tool and the fact that you're making it.
I wish I could afford this product.
It is also interesting to note that people think nothing of spending that kind of money on an M1A or a Custom .45 and such, but find this tool to be an exhorbetent expense.
I have limited dollars to spend so this product is out of my league.
I'm not saying you shouldn't advertise here - it doesn't concern me one way or the other, I'm just saying that you should have been upfront and noted that you were advertising a product you have a financial interest in.

If you look in the Accessories area, you'll see that we have holster makers who often show their products in the forum. I recall gunsmiths who show their work in the appropriate forum. But everyone knows that they are showcasing their product. Many of our members have a link in their signature leading to a website marketing their products. Advertising is acceptable as long as people know that's what you're doing.
Excuse me

Whoops!... I thought I was up front. My name on THR is LEEDAVISONE. My ebay selling name is LEEDAVISONE. Well, please excuse me. I guess what I should have said is: I am manufacturing and shilling a new carving machine: please look at this link to see MY machine. I am the owner, manufacturer and number one shiller. ok... I have it straight... I have been corrected. I didn't realize that I was being unethical. Is there a THR set of rules that govern what is ethical and unethical when shilling... I mean advertising? Leedavisone
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Dude, calm down. Don't worry about it. Just next time instead of
Of interest to THR members should be this new Carving Duplicator for Duck Decoys. It will also carve gun stocks and pistol grips...[link]
try this instead
Of interest to THR members should be this new Carving Duplicator for Duck Decoys that I manufacture and am selling. It will also carve gun stocks and pistol grips...[link]

All Car Knocker is trying to say is make it as upfront as possible that you're advertizing your own product. Not to leave it to others to deduce by looking at your handle both here and on Ebay. I didn't notice they were the same, probably becuase I was more interested in looking at the machine than the handle of the seller. I figured it was probably yours, but some people would assume that you had simply found it on the web and were sharing the knowledge with us.

Bottom line - This is not a big deal. Don't make it one.
Leedavisone...being a woodworker, I find your machine very interesting. Knowing what other duplicators and pin-type router set ups sell for, I think if it does what you claim, it is a very decent price. I myself had no problem figuring out from your original post that it was you that was selling it, but then again to me it wasn't a big deal. I am not in the market for your product at this time, but would like more info on it and it's capabilities for future reference. Do you have a website with more info?

Buck... I'm afraid that I don't have a website set up as yet. That should come in a few months. I will always be around however, and I'm always happy to talk to people (my telephone number is listed on the ebay site). Thanks for the interest! Lee Davis
I'm sure it's a nice machine. Just for ME, not being wealthy and having too many hobbies already for a guy on a budget, that's a LOT of money. I prefer polymer or composite stocks, anyway, and can buy one for a hundred bucks. Decoys? Walmart has carry lite and they're much lighter on my old back than carved wood. But, for the less practical, the hobbiest, the guy that wants to make a buck on ebay with hand carved decoys, I can think of a lot of reasons to own this product. I meant no disrespect, can't trash what you've never seen, just that just for decoys, I can't see spending that much. That's all I meant with my comment. I'm a duck hunter, not a wood carver. There's not an artistic bone in my body, can't even draw stick figures right. You put this in "Hunting" so I'm thinking when I see it you mean for me to carve my own hunting decoys. If it were in Rifles or General, I'd think more about it being a hobbyist's tool or for making money with hand carved gunstocks or something. Hunting is my hobby, not wood carving. And, by your thread, I thought you were just putting the post up as interest for carving your own deeks, had NO IDEA you were manufacturing and selling the thing.
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