Deer hit by car

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I got my deer..

a couple years ago in northern Wyoming. Just crossed the Montana/Wyoming border between Broadus and Gillette and when I came around a curve, yep, a herd of deer. Most leaped off the road. one poor doe went under my wheels.

No need to shoot her. Wasn't anything left. Had to wash the truck in Gillette. no damage to truck.

I dont mind shooting them, and eating them. This poor doe just chose badly.
sadhvacman said:
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to call bs on the loading a live buck in the truck. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see that happening.

Stranger things have happened.

My friends and I were out in the San Bernardino foot hills near our house in Southern California (was a time before it turned into a crappy place to grow up) shooting frogs with our BB guns (Ages ranged 13-15). When all of a sudden this deer, for some reason we never figured out, comes running down this small hill towards us right smack into the pond we were standing next to. Weird thing was that it split our group, we were too stunned to move, I mean it ran right between us as we stood there. Well, as it was swimming away we noticed it had some bloody wounds on it haunches, we figured it was a mountain lion attack. So being dumb kids we decided to try and catch it and call the wardens. After about 3 laps of this pond it finally came on shore and stopped a few feet from us. We got a rope (Damn hard to lasso a freaking deer) and subdued it until my friends older brother showed up with a truck. Took it home and called the F&G and they came and picked it up and agreed that it was a mountain lion attack by the looks of it. Never did figure out what they did with it.
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