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dem underground,dirty tricks advice

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
I was looking at the "protest president go to jail" thread and it occured to me that when someone said these kind of threads cause arguments amongst ourselves,that I heard that before...Right Wing News is a great blog and has documented whats up...DU has probably targeted us and packing and KABA. Be vigilant.
From Dem Underground
3) Create, plant and disseminate widely “news stories†that discredit GOP policies – A good way to do this is to print out stories in the visual style of a major newspaper or magazine (don’t use the logo or other copywrited material, however) and theme them similarly to the ones that targeted John McCain’s platform last presidential election. Make sure not to slander individuals directly. Leave stacks of the printouts where people are certain to find them – i.e. supermarkets, coffee houses, bars, community centers etc. As in #2 make sure to write these from the right wing perspective, for maximum effect on the target audience. Avoid digital media, as it’s too easy to fact check, not that most GOP voters care to check these things anyway.
That site is positively nauseating and if I ever caught anyone doing stuff like that to me or around me, I'd take him out back for a little "talking to" right quick.

Check this out:

1) Get Republicans fired at your workplace, or fire them yourself if you can – In the belief that all activism starts with the grass roots, do us all a favor, and fire your Republican employees this week. There are legitimate reasons to fire virtually any employee, so avail yourself of them. Not only will it quit the gloating you’re hearing around the office, it’ll stop those donation checks they are getting ready to write. Might also teach them a bit of humility regarding the poor and the disadvantaged. They can be the “Pioneers†of “Unemployment Window Aâ€

4) Contact the IRS and anonymously tip them off regarding prominent GOP contributors in your area. – Lets face it, they are likely tax evaders in any case (that’s why they are GOP), so might as well have them go thru an audit and feel a bit of what it’s like to have a hostile government prying into their affairs. The tax money you shake free will be a little payback to your community for the egregious tax cut they undoubtedly are enjoying.

5) Make sure that you’re the only ride on voting day for a group of hard right types who live out of the way, and then don’t show up. – This works best in low population density areas and poor right wing communities. Cultivate a group of right wing friends and make sure they depend on you for the ride on Election Day. Then don’t show up. Every vote they miss is an uncontested vote on the blue side of the aisle. The right needs a taste of Florida 2000.

6) Impersonate Linda Tripp. – Whisper into the ear of GOP associates to encourage and get dirty laundry regarding their improprieties, and then make sure that information gets into the wrong hands. It’s hard to brag about family values or think about politics when you’re in a divorce court.

What sick, depraved beings. :barf:
Part two

and dems think they are nice folks?
The Democratic Underground Post Of The Day: We Too Must Become Nazis
I always love to see what the Democratic base is up to -- don't you? That's why I enjoy heading over to the Democratic Underground to see what the lefties are talking about. Well, today some of the folks at the DU are taking page out of John Kerry supporter Moby's book and planning out some dirty tricks for the 2004 election....

ReadTomPaine: As we’ve heard again and again recently, if we are going to beat this bunch of rule breaking GOP misanthropes, we’re going to have to start fighting as dirty as they do. I started this thread for one reason, to get everyone’s ideas on a list of things we as Democrats can consider to stop the takeover of this country. This isn’t going to be a thread for the squeamish, or for the ideologically pure. Best to steer clear if that describes you.

Here are half a dozen ideas to get the ball rolling.

1) Get Republicans fired at your workplace, or fire them yourself if you can – In the belief that all activism starts with the grass roots, do us all a favor, and fire your Republican employees this week. There are legitimate reasons to fire virtually any employee, so avail yourself of them. Not only will it quit the gloating you’re hearing around the office, it’ll stop those donation checks they are getting ready to write. Might also teach them a bit of humility regarding the poor and the disadvantaged. They can be the “Pioneers†of “Unemployment Window Aâ€

2) Pretend to be a Republican, and then cut down the next Republican that you have a conversation with. - The more public/crowed the place you do this, the better. Use whatever remarks you know are sure to make the intended impression. “You’re no better than the liberal scum you claim to hate… get back into the kitchen… Just wait till we win next year and toss peons like you into the field or the workhouse… People in your income bracket don’t have the right to be Republican or vote etc.†If you need talking points, just observe in a Yahoo political chat room for a few minutes and you have all the right wing bile that you can use and quite possibly all that you can stand.

3) Create, plant and disseminate widely “news stories†that discredit GOP policies – A good way to do this is to print out stories in the visual style of a major newspaper or magazine (don’t use the logo or other copywrited material, however) and theme them similarly to the ones that targeted John McCain’s platform last presidential election. Make sure not to slander individuals directly. Leave stacks of the printouts where people are certain to find them – i.e. supermarkets, coffee houses, bars, community centers etc. As in #2 make sure to write these from the right wing perspective, for maximum effect on the target audience. Avoid digital media, as it’s too easy to fact check, not that most GOP voters care to check these things anyway.

4) Contact the IRS and anonymously tip them off regarding prominent GOP contributors in your area. – Lets face it, they are likely tax evaders in any case (that’s why they are GOP), so might as well have them go thru an audit and feel a bit of what it’s like to have a hostile government prying into their affairs. The tax money you shake free will be a little payback to your community for the egregious tax cut they undoubtedly are enjoying.

5) Make sure that you’re the only ride on voting day for a group of hard right types who live out of the way, and then don’t show up. – This works best in low population density areas and poor right wing communities. Cultivate a group of right wing friends and make sure they depend on you for the ride on Election Day. Then don’t show up. Every vote they miss is an uncontested vote on the blue side of the aisle. The right needs a taste of Florida 2000.

6) Impersonate Linda Tripp. – Whisper into the ear of GOP associates to encourage and get dirty laundry regarding their improprieties, and then make sure that information gets into the wrong hands. It’s hard to brag about family values or think about politics when you’re in a divorce court.

Are you really serious about winning the culture war? Do you mean it when you say it’s time to fight fire with fire? Then channel that anger and let’s hear some ideas. Given the thin skin of most conservative ideologues, it won’t take much to have them running far away from such policies and tactics so we can all enjoy proper, principled political discourse in the country again. First, however, they need to be taught that fighting dirty burns them as much as it burns anyone.

BTW- if you want to take action beyond the intellectual consideration of these ideas, please do so on your own. This thread is meant for the mental exercise of these ideas. Don’t involve DU.

T Wolf: you just know you are going to get flamed for this by the "we don't do that" crowd. But, you have to break a few eggs...

In a perfect (or even something a little further from hell) world, reasoned debates would produce informed decisions by the electorate. But we live in Amerika, where cash is god and reason be d@mned.

So, I heartily endorse the "by any means necessary" approach because it is the only way we have any chance against the repukes.

To paraphrase Barry Goldwater, street-fighting in defense of Democracy is not a crime.

Book Lover Interesting that no one has flamed this thread yet...

I thought folks would really get angry at these suggestions, but when I started scrolling down, I didn't find that at all.

lovedems: I am particulary fond of #4.

Maybe we could land a few in prison! Let the frog walks begin.

liberalnproud: I like it alot!!

I'm tired of being honest and truthful. Get's you absolutely nowhere. Good guys do not always win, they hardly ever win. Truth does not always prevail, in fact in hardly ever does. Justice is never served! I'M MAD AS HELL!!!! I AM NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!

calimary: Those are good tactics if you're somehow involved in party machinery

so you can get phone numbers to use.

There's other street stuff, too. Wherever you see a pro-bush or one of those simpering "America Love Her or Leave Her" stickers, THAT'S the place to plaster a "STOP BUSH" or "Impeach Bush/Cheney" or "Bush Knew" or "Bush Cheated" or "Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican." (Although, that one's a little long. For the sake of all the drive-by traffic, shorter and sweeter is better.)

OR: For us females - and especially for those of you/us who do have access to phone numbers - if I knew a rethug with big bucks and power within the local party, I'd call his house and ask for him in my smokiest, sexiest voice. When the wife answered, I'd get a little evasive and then hang up. Yeah, I know. Icky.

I know some of this is sh*tty. But that's the way THEY want to play it. And that's the game as THEY have already defined it. All we're doing is leveling the playing field. The only way to beat a bully is to bully them back. Confront them. Give them a dose of their own medicine. That's all they understand. One poster here once lambasted me for lying and deceit when I did the "stealth rethug" game on Orrin Hatch's office. My response: you have to speak to them in a language they'll understand.

If they can embrace Machiavelli, so should we. It's about time that strategy was put to work on behalf of the GOOD GUYS for a change. Do we want to keep fighting pit bulls with guinea pigs?

MCVet: The Republicans are Nazis....In order to defeat them, we too must become Nazis.

tedoll78: I used to be an "I-won't-do-that" person, but now I want to win and prevent the major harm that the GOP would do. In the end, having more liberal leaders in power will save the country and world from more heartache/chaos/destruction/etc; the change for the positive worldwide will more than pay-back for these tactics.

Like someone above said, let's break some eggs.

My starting proposals:

1) Hand-out faulty polling locations & directions in GOP-heavy voting districs. Let's see how they like it for a change.

2) Go door to door as a GOP volunteer with absentee ballots; the GOP loves to vote absentee, right? And then throw the filled-out ballots away. Either that, or give them a faulty ballot with a bad address on the envelope, and then they won't vote on election day since they'd think they've already voted.

3) Volunteer for a GOP phone bank operation and talk dirty to old people on the phone. Think of the most obscene, ????-licking things you can comprehend, and go for it! And be sure to identify yourself as a Bush supporter.

4) Wear an 'I love george w bush' t-shirt in public and act like a major ass. Moon people, fart loudly, call people offensive names. Here's a favorite: Go to football games where the Army is playing and accuse the other team's fans of being unpatriotic for rooting against the Army. In other words, be absurd!

5) When a polling organization calls, give answers such that they reflect very very very poorly on the nation's condition. Tell them you're unemployed, or tell them that you make <$8000 a year.

6) Panhandle in GOP/swing neighborhoods where it isn't illegal. Get as many people as you can to join you; create the image of crisis. Hold-up a sign saying that you were downsized, or that your job was sent overseas. If you're a veteran, empahsize your loss of benefits.

7) Drop-off a stack of fliers at veterans' halls, hospitals, etc detailing the betrayal of the Bush administration. And, if possible, ask them if they're enjoying their tax cuts.

I just thought of these seven off the top of my head. Surely we can come-up with some creative strategies for making the GOP's image as irrespectable as possible!

Hat tip to Henry Hanks from Croooow Blog for pointing this thread out to me.

***Update #1***: This thread is actually from Oct of 2003, not from "today" as I suggested earlier. Somehow or another, I missed the dates on this one when I went through it the first time...
2004-03-16 00:04:12 | Comments | Link Cosmos | TrackBack


The Democratic Underground Post Of The Day: American Arrogance
There's a thread at the Democratic Underground called "American Arrogance" and as you'd expect, it's loaded with America bashing. No big surprise there given how much left-wingers seem to enjoy obsessively rant about what's wrong with America.

Here are a few select quotes from the thread......

Resistance: I think Mike Ruppert said ...(of From the Wilderness, an excellent newsletter)

America is like a dysfunctional family, where the Dad is molesting the daughter and everyone knows it but doesn't say anything for fear of disrupting the image of 'family'.

I didn't say it as well as Mike did but you get the idea.

maveric: American superiority = Hate and Intolerance. Flame me all to hell if you wish but that seems to be what it equates to. The arrogant WASP culture is waging war against all those who are not from their nest. People are hated for their color, creed and ethnic backgrounds. They wave the flag and pound the bible and tell everyone who doesn't that they are unamerican and will burn in hell. That is more than arrogance. That is hateful grandiose at its worst and it will eventually be the downfall of all "american culture". Our nation and culture will perish like nazi germany and imperial rome unless we as americans modify our attitudes and come down from our ivory towers.

Solon: I think the better analogy would be...

Think of America in the house, he just turned 17 and just found his dad's (UK) Machine gun. Exalted in the power of the weapon, he looks at all of his various cousins, and grandparents, even his parents, with suspicion. He's holding them all (the world) hostage, and if any step out of line, he shoots them without remorse. I believe that is a better analogy.

sweetheart: The arrogance is a bit more militarist. Chances are that a non-american flag-citizen will be occupied by the american military, and have their rights impinged by the american empire, either by companies not restricted by justice, or by dictatorship supported by american lies.

America is 90% a massive army of empire occupying the globe with the bullets aimed at most of the human race. Americans inside the US see the police state part of the empire, the gestapo presence and undermining of civil institutions. Outside, people realize that their democratic freedom is not real, and rather they are "ruled" peoples by the country of the big bases......

Then along comes joe american citizen who's a CNN view of america walking down the street. If he supports the flag state, then he himself is bearing arms towards those people, to injure them and their livelihoods.

If he disavvows the actions of the flag state, he will be safer whilst amongst people whom his state persecutes.

The arrogance of americans could be tied to this gross ignorance of the realpolitik meaning of a Roman Citizen in a meetup with foreign people, and that ones government represents his goodwill towards those people as a empire-protection racket with satellite state status. This conundrum of a land of the free build on the repression of all peoples and democracies.

The planet is occupied by an empire american people are generally unaware of (and could care less about), and voila! Arrogance.

It is not a question of superiority. It is the FACT of the military occupation and that all the body politic of the US stands behind empire building and empire expansion on this ill-advised neoliberal adgenda. The democratic version of clinton was no better, the miltiary has taken over the nation, that the executive is just a barnacle on the side of the machine that answers to no citizen.

JohnOneillsMemory: I see Americans as zombies who have been drugged by corporations and their own government. Our 400 years of racial holocaust and entitlement mentality has been inflamed and exploited to Nazi proportions with a comparable body count. We are living in the birth of the Fourth Reich.

I sense you are trying to write in a gentle and politic voice. I agree with you generally but am much more alarmed and think the problem is much much much worse than you portray it.
2004-03-11 18:23:00 | Comments | Link Cosmos | TrackBack
Has anyone sent this information to the EEOC (Number 1), IRS (Number 4), U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Voting Section (Number 5)?

They have now.
Last edited:
man, a lot of that stuff those people are recommending borders (and crosses into) tort and criminal activities
and they call republicans nazis

:rolleyes: :barf:
MOre proof

that liberalism is a mental aliment. Afterall you'd have to be crazy to think that half of the country really acts like the liberals are claiming they do.
2) Go door to door as a GOP volunteer with absentee ballots; the GOP loves to vote absentee, right? And then throw the filled-out ballots away. Either that, or give them a faulty ballot with a bad address on the envelope, and then they won't vote on election day since they'd think they've already voted.
Isnt this a BIG felony? Something that rhymes with Voting Fraud?
Wow, that website is the stupidest thing ever. Not just anti-gun, but deliberately deceptive. Look at this page:


Some of these statements are just plain stupid:

19. No gun manufacturer has any policy restricting sales of their guns to dealers or wholesalers with a history of selling guns used in crime.

I mean, how can the gun shop control how a gun is used?

Others are just blatant calls for gun registration and/or stringent controls on gun owners:

7. There are minimal regulations on the sale of ammunition. No dealer licenses, no background checks and no transfer records.

Great. Next time I get a brick of .22 LR or a WWB I can fill out a 4473.:barf:
Charming, charming. A certain quote comes to mind:

"Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, daß er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird."

"They who fight monsters must see that in the process they do not become monsters themselves."

--Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Yeah, big surprise. whois search for "nraleaders.com" shown that the domain owned by the Brady bunch...

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
1225 Eye St, NW
Suite 1100
Washington, District of Columbia 20005
United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com
Created on: 19-Nov-03
Expires on: 19-Nov-05
Last Updated on: 19-Nov-03
Spelling lesson.

The difference between Liberal and NAZI is merely a matter of spelling.

The first act of a criminal government is to disarm the public. That is why these creeps are being criminal in their "suggestions." They know what kind of government they advocate.

Since tyranny is the natural form of government, they are only being natural.

Somebody mentioned civil cluster****ing. Let's face it folks. It's coming. When you have a bunch such as these low-lifes busily spiking the system by plugging the courts with frivolous lawsuits, fixing elections and on and on, there is left only one way to correct the situation. Their anti-gun agenda is their attempt to spike that "one way."

We or our kids and grand kids are going to have to take them out just as we took the British out long ago.

I'd rather beat them at their own game and some progress is being made in that direction. But, people in general are not willing to work to maintain liberty. They are willing to work against liberty is some mistaken belief that they personally will benefit at the expense of the masses. If they manage to take over, then maybe people will band together to take liberty back. We seem to have the energy to fight revolutions but not the energy to maintain the results. Plato is supposed to have said: "I had noticed that the Athenians had grown weary of the responsibilities of Liberty." Substitute "Americans" for "Athenians" and that old boy is speaking in 2004.

I assume

these people are just adolescent fantasizers, and do not represent the 'grownups' of the Dems.

We have a few "proud members of DU" here on THR. What say you, fellas?
Hitler was extreme Left-wing. A fascist. We need to HAMMER that home every time the Libs call any right-of-center person or politician a Nazi. I'm tired of the 'If I said it, it must be true' crowd.
Hitler was extreme Left-wing.
Well, the full name (translated) of his party was the National Socialist German Workers Party. Sounds pretty dang lefty to me.

And these nimrods don't even have the balls to become Stalin to beat the man they call Hitler.

Can somebody post the link(s) to these things? I'm sure Drudge would love it. :evil:
Just a friendly reminder to the THR population at large that we don't do "Bulletin Board Wars." Should any of y'all happen to go over there and try to forment dissent in the ranks, carry on elaborate debates, or whatnot... you're on your own. Please don't drag THR into it.

Thank you! :)

Kaylee, it's impossible to carry on an elaborate debate on DU. If you bring up something that's counter to their POV, such as Why GWB is NOT a Minion of Satan, your posts get erased and you get banned. :neener:
Who's a NAZI??

I love it when these Lib/NAZIs call pro-liberty people NAZIs and then engage in keeping pro-liberty ideas out of their "debates." If the people can't see through these new age NAZIs and start voting them out of orifice at all levels, then we are doomed. The rank and file of the Dem party should clean their party up and marginalize/sh*tcan the loony left for the good of the country and the Dem party.

But they won't do it. I know Dems who have left their party and become Ind., Rep or just quit showing any interest in politics. We need a two party system both pulling for the betterment of America subject to their own philosophies. But the Dem mainstream is pulling for a weak, yes, extinct America.

If the DU let facts, truth and logic rule their "debates," they would disappear. Just as Superman could not tolerate Kryponite, the "Liberals" can't stand truth. In the liberal world, any piece of information that does not advance their anti-liberty, anti-American agenda is a lie.

What is the obsession with Democratic Underground? I can't stand the place precisely because so many of the members are badly behaved whatever their politics may be, so I never go there. Yet it seems that we always have a thread going here about "DU is evil" or "Wah! DU banned me" or "DU isn't interested in debate." One would think that, by this time, a group of reasonable, intelligent adults would have grasped that the environment at DU is not such that a typical THR member is going to be welcome there. If your goal is to be a 2A evangelist, there are better boards where you will find Democrats/antis who are willing to listen to what you have to say and debate it in a civilized manner. For the most part, DU is the hangout for zealots and other Democrats on the leftmost fringe of their party. It's their house and they don't want to let you in or hear what you have to say. Why is that so hard to accept?
Why are we so obsessed with DU?

  • We are masochists. Personally, it hurts like hell.
  • We like giving them Hell. I have a limited audience for my vast wealth of logic. Sometimes I feel like spreading the love. ;) :evil:
  • We like to keep tabs on what the enemy is doing. Cant take preventative measures without knowing what to prevent.
  • To bash Bush among like-minded folks. When I find a libertarian over there, I will let you know.:scrutiny: :uhoh:
I never even look at DU

But I go to
They reported this particulary nasty thead and I posted it here giving credit to RWN.
Some of the tactics DU suggest are being used here to creat dissent amongst gunnies.
Thats why this thread is important.
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