Democratic Debate last night?

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Dave R

Dec 26, 2002
Did anyone see the Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate last night? Newpaper coverage here made it sound like hunting and gun legislation were mentioned several times.

According to Wanshington Post, Dean said he would "leave most new gun regulations to the states". Kerry said "I have been a hunter all my life."
Edwards specifically defended "Second Amendment rights," but why do I think he doesn't really know what they are? Or want to?

On the whole that was a pretty pathetic display of "Presidential talent." I shudder for the future.
Actually what Dean said was, "I'd leave most new gun regulations to the states, even if those regulations trample any notion of basic civil rights under the Second Amendment."

And Kerry said, "I've been a hunter all my life, but Ted Kennedy has taught me that the concept of self-defense isn't part of a modern socialist world and that there's no way a government like ours could ever be tyrannical."

That's my recollection, Dave, but maybe I nodded off there for a few seconds.

Caramba! So Dean and Kerry basically said the 2nd Amendment is not valid.

Where are those gun owners for Dean? What do they say about that?
Right. I made up the words--but not the ideas; that is what those two men are REALLY saying. There was not a politician on that stage who would stand up for what the Second Amendment is really all about or willing to state, unequivocally, that they support the right to keep and bear arms, uncrippled.

I understand the point you make, but its not just the Democrats who arent willing to stand up for Amendment #2.

There was not a politician on that stage who would stand up for what the Second Amendment is really all about or willing to state, unequivocally, that they support the right to keep and bear arms, uncrippled.

This applies to the man in the White House presently as well.

Mountainclimber, Mr. Bush doesnt think you need an AK 47 either.
I still haven't gotten over my panic from the UN's Council on Small Arms back in 2000. The Bush admininstration saved our bacon on that one. Could've been much worse.

Would still like to know more or less exactly what Dean and Kerry said. Anyone have it? Is there a (searchable) transcript?

Oh I agree. Bush has pretty much lost me, on 2A and other issues. That's what I meant, facetiously, about panicking. I don't know why it should be hard to face the American people and say, "I believe in the right of law-abiding Americans to be able to protect themselves." The pols are craven. And the American people aren't stupid; most get this issue a lot better than the politicians.
only saw a couple minutes, strange that they had 3 conservatives, 2 who are pretty hard core and then Peter Jennings as the moderators. You'd never see that from the GOP. I wonder why they choose them?
Why is it that politicians have such a fear of mentioning hunting AND self defense? (Obviously I know why they won't touch defense of tyranny).

There's probably as many wackos that want to ban hunting as there are people that have an irrational fear of defending themselves.

Now obviously I'm sure all that has been researched, but still.

I am just sooo sick of hearing about the 2A and hunting, and even more that stupid line about AK47s and hunting.

I thought Edwards was a Southerner, for Pete's sake?
"Why is it that politicians have such a fear of mentioning hunting AND self defense? (Obviously I know why they won't touch defense of tyranny)."

Because slaves hate free men.

Because weak people hate strong people.

Because guns really are equalizers.

I have talked about these issues many times, with deep frustration, with liberal friends. My sense is that they resent the fact that I might be able to handle a situation they can't. They turn their own deep fear into an anger at my personal solution. One friend went on and on about ghetto crime not too far from where he lives. The argument got around to gun control. Next thing I knew he was hypothesizing about me, "the gun nut," standing on that ghetto street corner at midnight and getting mowed down by gangbangers and being stupidly overconfident. I could swear he was actually gleeful at the prospect. Of course the reality is that I avoid trouble whenever I can. This was all about his projection of his own disquiet.
Yeah but you could always point out that you, the 'gun nut', may not have had very good odds for making it out of the 'hood alive. But his odds as an unarmed sitting duck are even worse than yours. :p

The security industry is all about probability. There is no invulnerable defense, everything can be circumvented in some way. But if you stack the deck in your favor, odds are the threat agent will fail or will decide you aren't worth the effort to 'crack' and move on to find easier targets.

Taking advantage of your 2nd Amendment right is just one way of increasing the odds in your favor. Of course leftwing loonies with no comprehension of logic or causality probably don't buy this argument.
Edwards is right

An AK-47 is a poor deer rifle,however it is a dandy
tyrant killer!!

HE knows the AWB is not about AK-47's,he knows he is a liar.
We know what pathetic dirtbags the Dem contenders are.:cuss: :fire: :banghead:
Weren't these buffoons supposed to try and take gun control off the table by calling it "gun safety" or somesuch?

Listen to politicians for a while and you'd think all 290 million Americans are hunters. Maybe they took a poll and found out that 99% of hunters vote, but they sure do spend a lot of time reassuring hunters that they won't take their deer rifle.

I still say there is a lot of urban leftists disturbed by hunting. But I guess not enough to get them to shut up.

Not sure what my point is here - maybe that if some PETA folks or somebody start yelling at politicians about supporting hunting they would have to stop talking about 2A=hunting and then they would have NOTHING positive to say about civilians owning guns. Finally the truth would be out.

Feh. I can dream...
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