"Desert Eagle 1, Crazy Raccoon 0,"

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The IMI Jericho/Baby Eagle is AKA a Desert Eagle in most places.

So 9mm "Desert Eagle" is really the baby eagle.
billybobjoe said:
Gas operated for reduced recoil. I've never shot a baby eagle, I wonder if they shoot good?

Only the full sized Desert Eagles are gas operated......Baby Eagles are not.
I heard a comment made that I have been considering: So called "animal lovers" and "nature lovers" are really just "people haters".

Well, I do have a stong dislike for much of humanity but I also dig venison (or grouse or pheasant for that matter). I usually shoot them out in the woods, tho - not in my Unabomber shack.
I am a charter member of P.E.T.A too.
People for the Eating Treatment of Animals.
(smack, smack) Mmmm, them critters is tasty.
Seriously though, most animals in their right minds will avoid humans. If one is coming at you without provocation, there is likely something wrong with it. In other words diseased.
That's why you always carry something with you when you're out for a stroll in the sticks. If you are smart.
That's why you always carry something with you when you're out for a stroll in the sticks. If you are smart.

...or have some kind of weird irrational phobia.

I love guns. LOVE guns. Many is the time I'm out in the woods with one or two of my beloved guns. But many also are the times when I'm not. I've had dozens of encounters with scary animals and never once have I felt naked without a firearm. I'm all for shooting and hunting and handloading and talking about guns and owning any kind of gun you want without jumping through a bunch of ridiculous government hoops, but anybody who absolutely has to be packing anytime they step off pavement really needs some kind of professional psychological counselling. Don't be a slave to your fear.
Wow, Karl. Pejoring someone with whom you don't agree by saying they are psychotic for not seeing things your way. How very High Road of you. :rolleyes:
I'm not saying anybody is psychotic. I'm am saying that anybody who needs a security blanket anytime they are out in the woods very likely suffers from a neurosis. Firearms are great, but if you have a panic attack when you're not carrying you need help. The woods just aren't that scarey.
If an animal, wild or domestic, damages or threatens to damage my property I first attempt to chase it off. If it returns I kill it. If it does not leave I kill it. There have been years when I had to shoot up to 11 raccoons in my chicken coop.

Would I shoot a coon in my house? Yes, with a .22, once I had him pinned down with something or cornered.

I don't hunt on my property as I want to keep a good stock of game if we are ever in need. If there is overpopulation of some kind I will will address it as needed to benefit the population.

As to being armed at all times when in the woods or otherwise. Why not?
A couple of my posts on previous pages have contained sarcasm, but I honestly can't comprehend a healthy person feeling like they've gotta be armed 24/7.

Shooting a wild animal that gets into your house? Hey - it's your house.

Thinking that all raccoons are rabid and trying to kill you? Hey - that's a little weird, but who among us isn't just a little weird.

But feeling a compulsion to always be armed (at least to me) seems an awful lot like living in fear. Irrational fear. Hey - I'm not going to stop anybody from carrying whenever they want to, I'm just stating my opinion. That's kinda what message boards like these are for.
Yep them woods is scary.
What I meant by 'something' was anything; be it a walking stick or ex-girlfriend who runs slower than you.
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