Diane Finstein Calling For AWB (NO GRANDFATHERING!!!)

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The Democrat-held Senate won't go for this either. Not enough radically gun-hating Senators to pass it because they fear it will hurt their reelection bids--and it will.
I doubt it will ever get a floor vote. Harry Reid is solidly pro-gun and is the Senate majority leader. Why do you think they never pushed for gun control in 2009 when they had a huge majority in Congress? They didn't want to get in a pissing contest with a fellow Democrat over a political loser like gun control. And not all Democrats are anti-gun by long shot. Feinstein can propose all the legislation she wants but it will go nowhere. In 1994 the AWB passed by only one vote and they had to cheat to get that. Today's Congress is totally different. They can't even pass a veteran's jobs bill, let alone a total waste of effort like AWB. And please don't blame it on Obama's reelection, in the second debate Romney bragged up how he signed an AWB when he was governor and promised to sign one as president if it reached his desk. There was no pro-gun candidate for president this year. Every year the gun haters propose legislation and every year they get shelved. We'll be lucky to get a budget passed with the present gridlock.
Besides a solidly Republican House of Representaives, wouldn't Heller v DC's language against banning entire classes of commonly available weapons prevent the reinstatement of the '94 AWB?
So what, she does it at least once a year. This isn't the problem to watch for. The U.N. treaty is.

Even if the senate has the votes, Harry Reid won't bring it to the floor. (I sometimes wish a random Acme safe would fall on him, but he is very pro-gun.) When Obama first took office, sixty some-odd Democrat congressmen sent a letter to him and the A.G. telling them that they won't vote for any new gun laws. This hasn't changed. The legislative process isn't the problem right now.
Only once a year? I thought she introduced a gun ban bill every time she showed up for work. It's nothing to get riled up for at this point. It's business as usual for her and her ilk.
IS there a second source for this which is not the examiner?
Lou Dobbs (on FOX Business) just confirmed the regime's change of position on the treaty about 5 minutes ago (10:45 p.m. 11/8/2012).
Not talking about the treaty, was talking on the AWB.

I can't second source the OP from anywhere that isn't citing conjecture or rumor.
wouldn't Heller v DC's language against banning entire classes of commonly available weapons prevent the reinstatement of the '94 AWB?
The makeup of the SC is likely to change in the next year or two, and not for the better.
It's a concern today - there's democratic control of the senate and there's a lot of potential soft moderate republicans that might be turned.

I just hope they remember the "great purge of 1994" when the AWB and other bad-government led directly to GOP control.

Politicians might not fear your guns, but they DAMN sure fear alienating their constituents.

(EDIT: The bigger questions is what's in store for 2014...)
Wait until a Senate Bill is introduced--and then wait to see if it gets out of either sub-committee or full committee.

The key, of course, is the complementary actions in the House of Representatives, which is generally pro-gun.
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