Did you know this about Flat Screen Monitors?

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Feb 5, 2010
You can use them as a shield!

A buddy of mine at work took a defensive handgun class a couple weeks ago and the instructor told them most handgun bullets wouldn't penetrate ... so, having a dead monitor of course we had to test it out :D

Shot with 9mm ball and hollow point, 45acp ball and critical defense hollow points ... the the big dent at the bottom was the 45 critical defense and the only round that penetrated was the 69 grain .223


I've got a "room" that seems to be a collection point for old equipment ... no one ever leaves a note on it as to if it works or whats wrong with it and most of it doesn't work ... so when I get another bad one I'll try shooting it from the back and see if its just as effective!
I doubt it would be as effective with a newer LED-LCD flat screen. Those things are like a half inch thick...

Very good to know though, especially for those that work in a "disarmed by policy" situation.
Handgun bullets (of the common variety) just aren't that difficult to stop. I'm not at all surprised.

But.......I wouldn't want to count on a computer for cover, either:

Who cares?
Nice contribution, there.

With all the misleading household or office items that 'WON'T' stop a bullet, I find it pretty interesting, really.

If I don't have an engine block handy, maybe I'll dash to the nearest flat screen monitor.

Hey, nothing's too silly to try when the bullets are flying.
Great, now Gecko45 will start taping flat screens to his body...

Maybe he can then stick a webcam to his head and use it to immortalize the time he saved the Mayor's nephew.

Seriously interesting thread. I bet that this new laptop's Nicole Kidman thin won't stop a handgun round, but the whole case+monitor when it's folded ought to at least help. I wouldn't bet my life on it though.
Always interesting to get tips on what may present possible cover.

Who cares? The next guy caught in an office shooting might just happen to give a damn about something that offers even a slim tipping of the odds.
In my house I have one of the original flat-screen TVs. It's got a flat screen to it, but is still large dimensionally and weighs approximately 300 pounds. I bet that would stop a lot of things. It's on the way out so maybe I'll shoot at it and see what happens.
mortablunt said:
Tannerite is meant to explode :evil:

No way!

(I knew that, I was just having a little fun. All I want for Christmas is an old junk car, and 20# of Tannerite)
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