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Did you vote today?

Did you vote today?

  • Yes, I did vote today.

    Votes: 300 90.6%
  • No, I didn't vote.

    Votes: 31 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sep 11, 2007
Pennsylvania - Where we cling to guns and religion
Edited to add:
(If you cast an absentee ballot, or voted early, go ahead and check YES)
Did you vote today?

Don't forget to go out and represent us firearms owners at the polls!
I'm hoping to see a lot of YES votes here!
Its important for us, as a group, to make the voices of firearms owners heard...
whomever we each support as individuals.

I do NOT need to know WHO you voted for!
**** Please don't get my poll closed by bashing one candidate or another. ****
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Hell No I'm not gonna vote today! Why bother?

I beat the rush and voted Saturday! :neener:

Funny story...gun club meeting last night had an NRA-ILA board member in attendance that stood up and preached to the choir about voting and who to select for about 20 minutes. When he was done, someone asked for a show of hands to see who had already voted...all but 3-4 of the ~40 people in attendance had already done their duty!
I went 20 minutes before the polls opened and there was a line already.

The only votes I'm talking about were yes on 47 and yes on 48 (Colorado)
Got there at about 5:45 this morning and stood in line in the rain until 7:30 but it was worth it.
I voted last week. Wanted to make sure that neither rain, nor snow, nor stalled auto, nor broken leg would keep me from voting against the liberals.

Sure wish I had someone to vote FOR besides that pretty lady moose hunter who acutally support charities and poor people with her OWN money! The old guy and wife who actually provides a home for his poor sister but won't use it as a politicaly issue is ok but...

Oh well...maybe next time.

Let's just hope mine doesn't get thrown out on a "technicality". in WA state, most people (I think >80%), vote absentee. I voted weeks ago.
As NWGunner said, here in Washington it's almost exclusively mail-in now. I filled out my ballot a week or so ago, but mailed it last night so I could feel as though I had participated 'on the day'.
Yep, just got back, was great no line. Skipped the work crowd and everyone in our area apparently did early voting. It is out of my hands now.
You should've had an option for "absentee" and "early voting."

Being in college 400 miles away from my polling place makes it kinda hard to get there on election day.

But, if it makes you feel better, I HAVE voted "in-person" before for local & state elections when I was in-town on the various election days.
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