discovered personal problem with tactical gear

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Dec 26, 2002
Dropped a tactical black mag under my couch where its tactically dark. Needed a tactical flashlight with enough tactical lumens and a tactical plan to find it. Took me like 30 minutes.


Ok, now I'm really confused (or is it shocked and awed). The magazine I found was one of mine my brother lost 3 months ago but I thought at his house. Him losing the magazine, and there were three when I let him borrow it, is one of the plethora of reasons I took my handgun out of his possession (general irresponsible storage like leaving it in his unlocked car overnight). Now that I've found the .40 baby eagle mag, where is 9mm G19 mag? I'm beginning to think it knows I'm not low-drag enough for it. I'm going to either have to put on black pajamas to find it or set the wheelguns loose on a search and recovery mission okie doke style. I'm so confused and this is turning out like the journal of a madman.

Final Edit:

Couldn't find my JBT black jammies, so I put on the closest thing I had: black shorts, black t-shirt, black boots, and a black hat to make myself appear like a mall ninja to the elusive magazine. I locked up the wheelguns just in case that was what the magazine was afraid. Turned off the lights where I thought the magazine was and combed the area with my surefire. Sure enough, I found it hiding behind an action figure. Skeletor on Panthor to be exact. And yes, I still buy action figures from remakes of cartoons I used to watch as a kid. But it is safely in my possession and the mystery of the missing baby eagle mag has been solved. It would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for this meddling kid.
[evil laugh]heheheheheheheheeeee[/evil laugh]

You won't be so lucky NEXT time, MJRW! The sacred Baby Eagle mag will be MINE!

MJRW, are you related to Skunkabilly?

Interesting problem where dropping your tactical mag into the tactically dark recesses of your couch requires a tactical light for location of said tactical mag. Hmmm.

Is it still tactical when it works against you?

He-Man and Skeletor? Y'all must be youngin's!
For the record...
1. I don't even have a couch....
2. I don't have any unsecured magazines, guns or ammunition. A place for everything and everything in its place; Guns stay on me or in the safe.
3. Furniture, I have two folding tables from Office Depot, an office chair, and 6 rubber maid tubs that support my mattress. Tactical.
OUCH! No fair, I wasn't ready... I call do-over :D


He-Man and Skeletor? Y'all must be youngin's!

Have you been talking to my wife???? She says I'm just a big kid, and that I'll never grow up. :rolleyes:

I'm 33. I caught He-man the first time around, although I wasn't really a big fan (okay, maybe a little), and I was already too old (technically) to have toys anymore.

I prefer the MOST tactical of bad guys in all of toyland...

My question is what were he man and skeletor doing under the couch?

Everytime I "lose" a mag its because i dropped it in my range bag and there is so much junk in there i have to empty it, count magazines, remember there is one in the pistol, re-pack everything, repeat.
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