Disturbing the Peace?

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A small amount of investigation on your part should reveal who is doing the complaining. When did the complaints start? Did some one move in around you about then? (Probably city folk that moved out to the country, and just don't understand because they have this fantasy about how rural life should be. I have dealt with this over the last 2 years, as the neighbor sold the 80 directly across from us, and there are now 50+ houses on it! :fire: Predictably, some of the 'city folk' didn't like me shooting in the hayfield next to them, which is my landlord's, and where he asked to do my shooting.) When you find out who they are, go over to their place and say, "Y'know, I've only recently been getting visits from the local PD about me target shooting on my own property. They assure me that I am not doing anything illegal.Have they been bothering anyone else around here over frivolous complaints? It seems such a waste of taxpayers money and Police resources. I would be willing to work with someone who has issues with my shooting, like setting up an agreeable time and or days of the week..." ;)
Reason #4,356 why sound suppressors should be de-regulated.

De-regulated?! Hell given out instead of those stupid gate...er gun locks!!!

At least people would use surpressors
I second the recommendation about planting trees and shrubs all the way around your shooting range, including on top of the berm. The foliage will do a lot to reduce noise, and restricting yourself to reasonable hours, say 10am to 5pm will show that you are going out of your way to be respectful to your neighbors.
Where im from we dont have a disturbing the peace law. If its 3am and a person is firing off rounds it would be harassment. The towns have ordinances as far as discharging a firearm in the city limits. Once you are in the county you can do what you want as long as the conditions are safe. We have a small company that makes zero reloaded ammo here. They have been in the news lately because neighbors are complaining of the noise when they test fire ammo. The buisness is in the county and the complainers have been told there is nothing that can be done. The owner seemed real sympathetic and tried to please them by shooting mid day. The complainers even contacted the ATF who inspected their range and buisness before the complaining started. ATF stated they were in compliance. The buisness owner stated the problem started when some adjoining land owners cut the timber down that seperated the two. Apparently it absorbs a lot of the noise.
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