Do Gernades come with a safty?

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Most grenades, like the M67, requires you to pull the pin, and release the handle (usually done when throwing).
Once the handle comes off, it will go boom. But if you want, you can put the pin back in with the handle down.
Basically, the pin is the safety, and the handle is the 'trigger'.
I think you guys all missed IdahoFarmers obvious attempt at humor.

If I am not mistaken, he is poking fun at the spelling skills of many of the members here. (there has recently been a spell of people spelling "grenade" as "gernade").

I feel so used.....

I didn't even see the smiley :uhoh: Now I have seen the light.... :)
I did however notice the ,"Gernade" I just thought it was a typo....Safty :evil:
There are actually two safetys on a grenade. Out of the box there is a thumb clip that must be removed before you can pull the pin. The pin holds the spoon in place. That's the "handle" people refer to. Once the pin is pulled the grenade is armed. When you throw the grenade you let go of the spoon, which holds the spring loaded firing pin back The firing pin ignites a primer and four seconds later, KABOOOM!

Most combat troops remove the thumb clip when going on patrol. The pin takes some deliberate effort to remove, you don't do it with your teth like John Wayne. The pin can be re-inserted to make the grenade safe. Once you let go of the spoon however, you have four seconds to get 50 feet between you and that grenade, or you die.
Just dont try to carry them in the liberry or in a nukular plant, or if you plan on seing alot of realiters or riding a horse in the calvary.

Remember, once you remove the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.

i don't know about Gernades, but i know gernads do, its somthin' called a Ruber, y'git 'em onna' sa'erdy nite. now, whutz 'em "teth" thingies john waynz got??? :cool: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (god, i love this, what ever happened to spel-czech???) :cool:
The shipping container itself is also a safety mechanism, ensuring that Mr Gernades arm is restrained even if the moron at the factory didn't get the pin or safety clip right.

50 feet ain't far enough by a long shot. You cannot throw a gernade far enough to be safe. Even an offensive gernade which does not fragment! The fuse and end caps are going somewhere.

The shipping container itself is also a safety mechanism, ensuring that Mr Gernades arm is restrained even if the moron at the factory didn't get the pin or safety clip right.

Say it ain't so.... :what:

I always found dropping them from a chopper gave me plenty of safety margin, AND I didn't have to throw my arm out... :evil:
I caught the spelling deal.

I recall reading about Chris MaGee (sp?), the Black Sheep pilot. They said he was known as a wild man. :uhoh: There was this one barge busting mission they flew :cool:, he had a un-autherized gernade. The were strafing a junk and not doing too well :cuss: on that one best I recall reading. Well, Chris Magee rolled his canopy back, dove on that junk :cool:, pulled the pin with his teeth (liked to broke 'em :eek:), tossed the gernade out and pulled up. The junk blew up good then. :D
Not poking fun, just having fun. Logged on today and the first two threads I read included a correction the spelling of grenade and another correcting the spelling of safety.

Just thought I would add fuel to the fire... all in good fun.

There's a few. Problem with impact fuses, is that you have to make sure that the fuse hits something hard enough to set it off, and if you drop it on the fuse while armed, you don't have four seconds to try and duck and cover.

Rifle grenades, and those used in launchers, like the M203, are impact fused. They're a totally different beast from the hand grneades refered to here though.

I think it's generally a typo when people spell it like that, they they don't fix. Just like I didn't fix my mispelling. :neener:
Old NFO:
All the grenades I've seen came in cardboard tubes (havent seen any frags, just a bunch of Uncle Sam's CS and smokes), you pull a piece of tape off it, the tube seperates into two peices and the grenade is still held within a full-length heavy cardboard tube. The spoon cant move as long as it remains within the tube, so its safe. I guess you'd call EOD if the grenade didnt have a pin or clip? I didnt ask. :uhoh:

Blackhawk Down, the movie.

SOG soldier waggles his finger and says "This is my safety,,,,Sir." :D
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