Do you believe in ghosts?

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absolutely I do.

I've been involved in a few too many weird things to not.

Most obvious was waking up at my fiances apartment to the sound of a squeaky floorboard outside her bedroom door. I woke up and looked over and saw the outline of two little legs and feet rocking back and forth, backlit by a street lamp. I watched motionless for about 5-10 seconds, then they turned around, ran up the hall and vanished.

I brought it up a few weeks later to her and her room mate (not in town that night), and asked what they thought. Her room mate told me that one day while downstairs studying, she heard all the upstairs doors slam at the same time and little feet run up the hall and disappear. I'd usually say it was the a/c kicking on or wind, but Jamie was horribly allergin to pollen, it was spring and she hated having the a/c on.

Of the events I've seen, thats the one that sticks with me the most.
About nine years ago I was closing up the office where I worked. Looking across the road to a park I noticed that a hobby horse on a spring type park toy was swinging backwards and forwards quite strongly without anyone in it. My first thought was that someone had just jumped off of it, giving it some momentum, but I couldn't see anyone. I left the building a few minutes later and it was still moving, so I walked over to look at it. It kept bouncing backwards and forwards. When I turned away from it, out of the corner of my eye I saw the projection of a young boy of about three, quite angry about something & riding the horse hard. I decided this was a) spooky & b) none of my business, so I turned away. As I walked off I realised the boy was now riding on my shoulder and the toy was still. I certainly didn't need a personal spook, especially one that wanted to ride me piggy back style, so I pointed in the direction of the cities maternity hospital and told him if he wasn't happy with his last parents he should go and get some new ones. Without speaking he indicated that he wouldn't. I think he was interested that I could see him. So I indicated the first couple I saw, a young yuppy couple, designer black everything and miserable with it, asking how about them? He shook his head no. I continued up the street past some old rental properties. In the concrete yard of one was a young mother with two young kids, obviously very poor, but her children were well loved and you could see her pride in them as she watched over them as they played. I asked the spook what about her? And he was gone.
The next time I saw the mother was a year later and she had a baby in her arms. True story.
Well ... I won't answer this question directly because we are high roading. I will say if there is such a thing as a spirit, your best bet would be to use one of those things that the Ghost Busters had :cool:
Kinda. I've been to "haunted" places and have had the hairs stand up on my neck, and have felt like I was being watched. An example of this is when a friend of mine, took me to a local haunted place in my area that I had no idea about beforehand. It's a tree where some girls were murdered in the 70's and some pretty horrible things were done to their bodies. They were discovered by a park ranger a few years later, and the area is now a hiking trail, with the "Devil Tree" being something of a local legend. I had no clue about this. As far as I knew, we were just going for a leisurely hike in the woods. When I got there, I felt a really eerie feeling, and felt as if I was not wanted there, and as if something ominous or foreboding was there. I was later told the legend once we left, and put two and two together. I dunno. I guess there might be something to it... Now I'm hooked, and want to explore as many "haunted" places as possible, just because I want to see for myself if it's real.

Other times I've woken up in the middle of the night for no reason at all, completely and utterly scared without an explanation as to why, and with a feeling of being watched. I'm willing to believe there is "something" out there, but I tend to doubt it. I can be a very skeptical and cynical person when it comes to just about everything. Heck, I don't even trust furry little animals with big sad eyes. lol.

But despite being a big skeptic, my mind is open to other realities. As to whether or not a gun is useful against ghosts, I doubt it, but I know that firearms are useful against everything from rabid raccoons, to grey aliens and serial killers and burglars, so I sleep with one next to the bed anyways.
I dont know about guns but a 84 Celica sure did one in... again....

(I am in no way, shape, or form jokeing. I my mom hitting a ghost in with her car when I was 5.)
Radagast- what an amazing story!

I forgot to add to my first post- no, I don't think a gun will assist you much in a supernatural encounter.
I know that firearms are useful against everything from rabid raccoons, to grey aliens and serial killers and burglars, so I sleep with one next to the bed anyways.

Grey aliens?!?!?! Do tell.
I absolutely believe in ghosts. As you must know, ghosts exist because Chuck Norris kills people faster than heaven can assimilate them. :D
It's hard to answer that question in an affirmative, but i can't outright say no either. I believe in the possibility of miraculous things happening, if that counts. I've seen some odd things that I have a hard time explaining. my mother works in a nursing home, that was a TB hospital prior to it's use as a nursing home. lots of restless spirits there, if there are such a thing.
grew up in a 300 year old house, and there were plenty of times I heard or saw things that could have been taken as the supernatural. weather that was my own imagination, genuine spectral presence, or a combination of the two, I couldn't tell you. the house my wife and I own today we purchased when the elderly lady that lived there was placed in a nursing home. shortly before hearing of her passing, that "we're not alone" feeling began to creep in. I wasn't sure if I was the only one who felt it, until a neighbor told us the woman had died, and afterward my wife said, "so, that explains it."
I don't feel we know everything that goes on after this life, but I'd have a hard time saying I don't believe in ghosts and still call myself a Christian.
I can tell you however, that a person clanking around my halls draped in a sheet and wrapped in chains at 3am would be a ghost soon enough.:evil:

Much, much better threads than this have been shutdown for less. Report sent.

and chill out, for Pete's sake. good gracious.
I think most of us who consider ourselves "religious/spiritual" would have to believe in something supernatural, by default if by nothing else. I believe there's a Spiritual world, as there is a physical one. As to Ghosts and hauntings, well, I believe there's something to it; I've heard too many stories from too many reliable folks to ignore, even though I haven't experienced such myself. Now certainly many of these events can be explained away by natural/organic phenomena or man-made conditions (Carbon Monoxide and various chemicals, uncontrolled electro-magnetic phenomena, etc), but there's just some stuff that cannot be explained or dismissed so easily....

So, ultimately, I would have to say yes, I believe that there are "Ghosts". As to what they are, I don't know....

Now, what kind of gun for Ghosts? Since Ghosts are supposedly incorporeal (without a body), I don't think a gun can help.... besides, Ghosts aren't all that threatening... werewolves, vampires, and zombies, sure, but not ghosts.... :D
I believe in ghosts, in the sense that they can truly be perceived by the living. Whether that perception is imaginative or not, is another story.

Granted, by the same token, UFOs and aliens exist too, but only in the minds of their perceivers.
I don't believe in ghosts -- and wonder if they believe in us???
I have had spooky experiences with a ouija board ... and have no explanation for them. It's easy to claim the "other person" was moving the ouija, but not so easy to explain how the correct answers always resulted when the "other" person could not possibly have known them ...
........wonder what Fox Mulder would say .... but I think I'm more interested in Jennifer Love Hewitt!:p:rolleyes:
<thinking>Ok, it's halloween and I want to start a thread for halloween..... How do I do it? Ghosts. How do I tie ghost and guns.... that's it... will a gun be any good against a ghost? Well, it's either that, or a thread about hillary talking to the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt....</thinking>
I see a number of us believe in ghosts. This has brought the question to mind “if you believe in ghosts how do you know that they will not access your firearms and use them to do undue harm?” Since firearms safety rules are based on logic and reason (ie guns don’t just go off by themselves) how do you reconcile your throwing logic out the window with regards to the supernatural and the use of logic based reasoning required for safe firearms ownership/usage. I can’t see how one can be selective in where they require empiricism.
Belive in them? Yes to some extent.

Fear them? Nope.

Seen some? Maybe.

You don't need a physical weapon to take care of them if you wear the armour of God. And no guys and gals I'm not talking about something in a video game.

BTW- If this post came up due to Halloween. Know one thing, according to the old Hebrew calendar it roughly is the time the Flood happened. Fear no evil for in reality it's the time of the year when Satan and his followers yet again got kicked to the curb.:D
Ghosts exist because Chuck Norris kills people faster than heaven and hell can process them.

The only weapon capable of killing a ghost is, ironically, Chuck Norris.
I've seen ghosts a couple times. The first one was when I was too young to even know what a ghost was.
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