Do you keep your antlers?

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I used to keep everything back years ago. I gave my father-in-law a barrel full of racks. Probably 35 or 40 of them. Most of them small. Now I only shoot mature bucks or culls so I only have 20 or so laying around. Sure give the does fits though.
I’ve kept them all but one or two sets I think. Only a couple on the wall in the basement opposite my reloading room. The rest are all in a bag(s) in the garage. I remember every one and the story that goes with it. I should do something with them or give them to someone that will.
One 'euro' mount on the wall. There is a 5 point hanging on the rafter of the shed and a 6 getting moldy up the cabin plus a spike with another spike and a y from opening day '88 together on a plaque among the large number of old spikes and Y's from the 'old day with dad and his buds...they're all going out the door soon.
I only have one Euro mount on the wall but if I get a chance for a larger one it will get swapped out. I keep a large pair for rattling.
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