Doctors For Responsible Gun Ownership

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I appreciate the link. It seemed to be a very good organization. I am a pro 2nd A doctor, and I made a contribution to the organization. I am now a member, and hope to get involved in the near future. Not enough docs feel comfortable expressing their Pro RKBA views. A lot of docs try to appear non-political. We are taught that image is very important. Having seen many gunshot wounds I am sympathetic to the innocent victims. However, most of those who I had seen all claimed to be innocent (except one guy who said he was shot by a drug dealers buddy, because he thought that he was moving in on his territory). Most of those who I saw were "just waiting for the bus, minding their own buisiness and they were shot for no reason". I had seen a couple of guys with exit wounds on the tops of their feet, who claimed they were also just standing there... who did they think they were kidding... it was obvious they could not have been shot the way they had claimed (they were most likely running away from cops of other dealers). It is not uncommon to see people who had been shot before at least once.
Anti Doctors need to be educated like ever other anti out their. The good news is that doctors are scientists. We can see through the bad statistical studies of the antis. Also, the obvious benefits of a well armed law abiding public are easy to see if examined objectively. The big problem lies with the big organizations and journals that publish or promote bad literature. One of the main duties of a doctor is to educate others (patients). Another is to constantly educate ourselves, so we can be more effective.
One thing I can recommend:
Educate your doctor!
A good doctor is always willing to learn. Any person can be stubborn, but at least plant a seed. The American Medical Assoc. and the Pediatricians group are two of the biggest culprits. They encourage docs to ask questions about gun safety and to discuss the dangers. Even though these organization support "gun control" (victim dissarmament), the things they tell docs to say do make some sense if looked at in a vacuum. But we all know that there are many other variables in the gun debate. (one example is the gun locks... sure a child is less likely to hurt themselves with a locked weapon, but what if the child needed to use the gun to defend their life or the lives of other family members. The image of children with guns is becoming more socially repugnant. The image of a dead child who may have been saved if a law abiding citizen had a gun is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.
If the subject of guns comes up, calmly explain how guns are defensive weapons. They can protect children and prevent people from becoming victims. We've all heard that guns don't kill people, people kill people. I'd like to add that bad people kill people, and good people with guns can help prevent this. Ask if they are against people defending their lives or the lives of their children. One recent story of an innocent ten year old boy in Philadelphia comes to mind. He was killed by a bullet meant for a gang banger. Several punks were having ashootout near a school, a boy was killed and a crossing guard was shot in the foot. Had this happened in a country where the law abiding citizens were at least as well armed as the crimminals this boy may still be alive. These killers broke many laws that day, but the law abiding citizens chose not to, and therefore had no means to stop the situation. I don't know what I would have done had I been nearby, but I'd like to think that the mantra "first do no harm" (that docs try to live by), would have made me try prevent a childs death. I look at responsible gun ownership as preventitive medicine. It helps prevent the disease of "Victimhood", which can strike anyone, at any age.
Arguing or getting into a heated discussion is probably not worth your time or aggrivation. State your oppinion if it comes up. Plant the seed. Who knows, your doc may be a bigger 2nd A supporter than you are (well, not very likely on this site, but you never know).;)
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