Does anyone have guns under their table ?

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Front Door Holster

I have a framed 8"x10" photo hung by the front door. No one notices that the apparent glass in the frame is actually a very thin sheet of acetate film. Nor can they see that the frame really isn't conventionally "hung" but, in fact, is securely mounted via hidden rear screws into the stud wall behind. The picture in the frame isn't printed on paper but on photo-sensative Mylar. Only under VERY careful scruntiny are the tiny perforations in the Mylar visable to the naked eye. It's impossible to realize that the sheetrock has been removed from the wall behind the frame but within the frame's borders. A holstered .357 mag revolver is mounted carefully inside the wall pocket to ideally present its grip to my hand. All that is required of me is to force my rigid fingers through the center of the photo easily splitting the thin acetate & perforated Mylar. A revolver is ALWAYS next to the front door, high above child-level, completely invisable yet immediately accessible. It took some "experimentation" with the materials, technique and holster mounting angle to assure my comfort level. But now I'm confident that my hidden handgun system is simple, unnoticed & relatively foolproof.
For our home, we are getting a picture gun holder:

How about a clock holder?

101292i_ts.jpg 101292_ts.jpg

Or a hollow book?


Or how about a gun that you can peice together out of a fountain pen, a lighter, and a cigarette holder?

Ghost that's very similar to my own "door gun" design, job well done with keeping it hidden.
Nothing Exposed

Nothing in drawers or under tables or, for that matter, anywhere else where you can look in/under and see it.

My youngest daughter has "friend evaluation disorder" and as a consequence, although I don't worry about her, I don't even begin to trust her friends. Her friends have stolen from her, stolen from us, scammed her, tried to scam us, tried to involve her in any number of bad ideas (some of them outright illegal), and she has a high turnover rate among her "friend population" as a result. She's getting better, but she still has a ways to go.

She knows I have rifles. She doesn't know I own pistols -- only that I sometimes borrow pistols for target shooting (technically true, just not the whole truth). It sucks having to keep things hidden from her, but until I can trust her judgement in friends, that's the way it has to be. Her friends have other friends of seriously questionable character, and I have no desire to have one of them alerted to the idea that we have stuff in the house that brings a nice price on the street.

Even my son is in on it. He keeps his pistol in my safe, and we are careful not to have it out or discuss it around her or her friends.

Even the routine for my "bedside" pistol keeps it out of sight.

Wife's daytime companion is also out of sight.

So, no, nothing in the open.
No, not under the (computer) table at this time. I had to use the holster.

I do have five handguns within arms reach at this time though. Does that count?:)

Anywhere in the house I'm within 2-3 steps of a loaded gun.

A gun that's not loaded and within reach, if you need it, is nothing more than an expensive dust catcher.
(Of course I don't have any Rug Rats getting into everything though.:D )
I prefer to keep them on me or within arms reach. Don't like the idea of potentially arming a previously unarmed BG before he gets to me and mine.
I recently got called-on-the-carpet by The Boss for my habit of concealed carry in direct violation of the Employee Handbook directive against Deadly Weapons on the property. I protested...but gave-in & said it WOULD be in my truck. He countered that was still technically "on the property". I said, "Well, I guess it's time for me to retire" and began packing my briefcase. He then decided the truck wasn't REALLY his property. Go Figure.
No. but I do have two loaded and ready to go. One near the front door and one in my computer room. No children at home. When the grandkids come over they all go in to the safe. I don't keep one in the bedroom at the wifes request :confused:. I have two large dogs the can slow anyone down and give me time to take 3 steps and get the 45 acp.
Funny this should come up, but after the home invasion / murders in CT I started to really re-think my home survival plan. I have had a thorough evac plan for me and my family since 9/11 as we live close to DC and it's an obvious target, but haden't given much thought to the house at all. We live in one of those "nice gated communities" with high doller homes...

After CT though I re-thought everything. First and foremost I have kids ranging in age of 18-7. second, until then, all l guns are in a secure gun room with vault door in basement gun room. Not very handy except for my daily cary, a P32 which stays on me until I go to bed, then it's in my room, but a good 18 feet from bed.

I now have a hidden weapon on each floor of my house, and have looked at the house from an invaders point of view, then laid out fields of fire and points of concealment for each possible exterior door and window. I should mention that I am an architect and builder so I have modified the house to create concealed yet very accesable locations within the structure of the house. I have then asked a good friend to come over while the wife and kids were out and told him that there were 4 guns hidden and gave him an hour to find them. He came up with 0. I don't brag about this, just mention that the thought never even occored to me until the masacre in CT, and how pissedI was that responcible adults had done so little to protect them selves from those human scum, and vowed that I would never be caught off guard like they were.

I keep one under all my tables in Galgo holsters right next to my tin foil hats.

where do you buy your hats? I'm looking for a quality TFH from a reputable dealer. :neener:
No kids in my house. Keep a BHP in a desk near the front door, a kel-tec in the study above my computer and a S&W .357 in my night stand. Need to do something about my backdoor, it's naked.
when I get paid, I always finish the job!

Some advice: Never let Lee Van Cleef conceal a pistol underneath your table!
You will have a terrible time refinishing it. "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."

If you spend many hours sitting at a table, I would recommend a belt mounted holster or shoulder holster instead of an under table mount.
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