Does your DOD activity's PX, NEX or BX sell firearms

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Bought my Ruger Security Six from Ft Richardson PX in 1978 (still have it!)
The Exchanges in CO are required to follow both federal and state laws, which means among other things that they can't sell magazines that hold over 15 rounds, and that they charge 10 bucks for a background check.

Fairchild AFB does. And unless something's changed recently, Fort Sam Houston doesn't.
The Fort Eustis (VA) AAFES PX counter is just now open, but minimally stocked so far. They have at least one dedicated, knowledgeable salesperson, not just someone off the floor. In addition to the main exchange's firearms, ammo and accessories, there are two other tactical gear sources in the building - Military Clothing Sales and a private concessionaire out in the main passageway.

It is too bad that NEXCOM doesn't go with a concessionaire if they don't want to do it themselves.
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