DPMS sponsoring fighters?

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For a sport that's trying to gain respectability and normalcy, do we really want to be assciated with this?

So now we're alienating gun owners because of what they look like?

This thread is nothing more than a bunch of high and mighty bullcrap.

YOU people are the ones that make gun owners look bad. You're no better than Zumbo. God I hope I got this thread locked...
JWarren says;
At one time, society HAD an idea of right and wrong. Oh, society had its problems.
Somewhere down the line, parents have stopped parenting. Oh, don't give me that look... you all know it.
Frankly, it isn't all that easy to find a woman past the age of 26 who HASN'T had a child these days in a lot of areas.

To which Wheeler44 replies "Oh please"

Do you honestly think that once upon a time "society" had a different moral compass? That other than a few "problems" life was like "Leave it to Beaver"?
If so, read a little history. The movie "Gangs of New York City" was based in part on very real events.

Do you honestly think parents have stopped parenting? I know that there are a lot of single parents out there now. Guess what? there have ALWAYS been. Imagine after the civil war when all those dads didn't come home what then? I think that a big part of the "parenting problem" is so many families have however many parents are there working and commuting trying to buy the things that see a necessary for living today.

If you think that most 26 year old women have had a child then you should look a little more.

Back in the day, any day there was crime, there was abuse, and there was violence. Things haven't changed that much only the laws have changed making some of the behaviors of a different era criminal today, and in some cases that is a good thing.

To keep this on topic; MMA is about strength, conditioning, endurance and skill. With a big emphasis on skill, last weekends match demonstrated that.
Shooting is about equipment, conditioning, training and skill. With a big emphasis on skill. 9mm. vs..45? easy the one you are skilled with.

I have no problem with any product (except feminine hygiene products) advertising during MMA events.
"Do you honestly think parents have stopped parenting?"

The Baby Boomer generation did indeed stop parenting. Or can you explain to me why most schools suffer from the problems they face now? Come now, be not blind nor absurd. Fortunately, there does seem to be a rise in the "Gen X" desire to increase parenting.

As to these fights not causing violence - directly? Perhaps not. But kids die every year from mimicking wrestling moves. Of course, this is not wrestling, but kids are beginning to copy that, too. In our local area back in November, a kid sent his sister to the hospital with serious brain injuries WHILE WATCHING such an event on TV and then trying them on his sister. He had his legs around her neck and was punching her over and over again. Was he a bad kid? Yeah, he probably was. Was he mimicking what he saw on TV? Yeah, he was.

Yep, it happened. The whole atmosphere is not one of rigid professionalism and anyone here who says so has his head in the sand. The atmosphere is of a junk-yard street fight. Want to watch it? Fine by me. I have no problem with folks enjoying it. But to thine own self be true.

I just feel, personally, that UFC events do not represent this rifleman in any way. The events promote violence and aggressive behavior in kids without corresponding promotion of character, compassion, or moral conduct.

There's no way UFC or any MMA events promote violence. Also, saying there is no corresponding promotion of character, compassion or moral conduct is out there. Have you ever watched an MMA fight? 99.99999% end in hugs and pats on the back, showing total respect for the other fighter.
If MMA and UFC promotes violence, then so do video games and movies with guns in them.

I guess we should get mad at HK for advertising in all the Rainbow Six games and Springfield Armory for doing Sin City. Right?
No, it is not. As a broad generation, the Baby Boom has failed. The Baby Boom generation has removed corporal punishment from schools and is the one that brought us mass medication of our children. The Baby Boom raised the generation that brought schools into the current day where violence is far more common, and more deadly, than in the earlier days (and no, I don't lump the Columbine-type massacres into the mix at all).

And that is indeed a fact. Get your head of the sand.

Steve, 1st person shooters can promote violence, too, which is why young kids should not play them. Ditto for young kids watching Rambo.

As to the recognition that times were bad in the past, too, that is very true. I would not have wanted to wander certain portions of 5 points, NY or London in the late 1800's. But...I wouldn't want to wander through certain parts of NY, London, Washington DC, New Orleans today, either. Folks have been bad and have killed each other through time, and will continue to do so into the future.

In any case, UFC promotes a thug-like mentality and my son does not get to watch it. You want to let your kids watch? Fine by me. I won't tell you how to raise your kids. Me, I'm not at all happy that DMPS has decided to associate with that. You are? Fine by me.

Nobody likes be attacked and as a "boomer" by definition I feel assailed by your statements. In an effort to cool things down I ask that you consider the following.
The Baby Boom raised the generation that brought schools into the current day where violence is far more common,
Maybe where you came from, but I remember fights in school in the '60's and have read many accounts of school violence in the '50's. My Grandpa, who walked out west from Nebraska in the 1890's used to tell me stories of fighting with the "Irish" kids on the walk home from school. (he was of Czechoslavakian descent) and even brandishing his clasp knife once when he was outnumbered. (to him that meant more than four assailants.) So to me, the idea that there is more violence now than then is probably caused by the fact that todays media will resort to sensationalism to keep viewers in front of the T.V. and not that more kids fight in school.
The Baby Boom generation has removed corporal punishment from schools
We scoff at the rule of thumb. The rule that states that no man shall beat his wife with a stick larger than his thumb. Yet I remember the paddles brandished by the school authorities as being much, much larger than my thumb and I have a pretty big thumb. To me the idea that you can beat any body into good behavior is ludicrous. If that were the case instead of jails and prisons we should have whippin' posts instead. I also remember that the beatings that I recieved did not so much inspire a revelation that I should change my ways , instead I feel that they directly contributed to my dislike of heavy handed authoritarians. A dislike that continues to this day and which I struggle with constantly.

I opine that corporal punishment in schools is violence in schools.

I agree with you however, that medications are probably overused and their use should be scrutinized.

The Baby boomer are indeed a broad generation, also deep and long. They are the largest demographic in this country and to lump the failures and mistakes of some of that group together and call them all failures does a disservice to everyone.

It is not unlike calling all gun owners (insert insult of your choice here).

Peace, happiness and prosperity to you and yours,

Ah, so you explain the massive loss in discipline in schools in the 1980's and 90's with kids raised by your generation in what way? Generalizations are what they are, but they exist because of truths. You think I attack you personally? Okay, fine by me. I didn't, but since I'm going to have to pay for your generation's Social Security - without ever seeing it myself - I will be oft reminded of my own price for it. I mean no insult.

Of course, you do make my point for me. Corporal punishment did work, it does work. Or, why is it your generation could discover some nugget of truth in opposition to what vast millenia of human existence has established as fact? Perhaps you were not privy to that study made by the British admiralty in the early 1800's regarding flogging in the fleet. It turned out, and this is fact, that those crews that served under a captain who did not believe in flogging for punishment were far more likely to mutiny than one who flogged? The Captain Bligh heavy-handedness was just as likely to cause mutinies as the lenient captain, of course. It turns out that a crew respected a captain - and were actually happier/more trusting of his leadership - than the other crews. The lenient captain was not trusted and the harsh captain was loathed. The fact remains that corporal punishment worked then and it works now. Even Dr. Spock spanked his kids.

Try reading Robert Heinlein.

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