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THe Dove

Jan 12, 2008
I have a question for you folks. Do you ever have dreams that involved fire-arms. The past few nights I have been having dreams that I am in an altercation with one or more bad guys, one of the bad guy pulls a fire-arm out and I pull mine, try to shoot but it takes all my energy to pull the trigger. Then, if a boolit does come out it goes a few inches and falls to the ground...... Crazy isn't it. Just wondering if anyone else has similar dreams?

By the way no one ever gets hurt and I always wake up shortly afterward.

The Dove
Not me personally [atleast nor reciently] but a lady I know has had some. She just aquired a pistol reciently and has had several nightmares. It usually goes something like this..Somebody breaks into her house and she retrieves her handgun. She takes aim and pulls the trigger and nothing happens. Another one is that as soon as she touches her handgun it fires. And she has told me that once or twice when her cell phone goes off in the night when she is sleeping she picks it up thinking it her gun and takes aim. This was last week and she informed me that she is not comfortable with it and decided to get rid of it.
I have a recurring (every few years or so) dream that I'm being stalked through a mall by Charles Manson. I eventually duck into a shop to try to get help, but he shoots me from the upper level walkway as I'm talking to the clerk.

Bizarre, but that's pretty much as close I get to dreams wiht guns in them.
I have had dreams involving a Model 1911. I don't remember what all went on, but it does make me feel like I must really have a full, intuitive grasp of the operation of a 1911.
Ive had more than I can remember! Funny that in most of them the bullet does the same, goes only a few feet then just drops to the ground!
THR tries to discuss real life questions and issues. Dreams and other fantasies do not fall into that category.

Sorry - this one is off topic.
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