e-bay scam

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Standard retail markup is any where from 60% on down depending on volume that you purchase at.
Most manufacturers have a MSRP but most retail operations aren't required to stick to that or manufacturers have a set discount rate which is why sometimes an online retailer can't publish those prices if discounted below that percentage.

A favorite ploy is to up the MSRP and tell the public they are getting 40% off.
Well if you up the MSRP 30%, your only getting a true 10% off MSRP.

With the net its very easy to find out what the factory MSRP price is.
Its also pretty easy to get a hold of a gun store distributor catalog which shows what they pay from the distributor.

The gun store guy I dealt with for 15 years used to show me the catalog and the price he paid for the stuff and added his 15% plus shipping to the cost.
15% ain't a hell of a lot to keep a brick and mortor store open, but he did and after 15 years he had had it trying to keep the store open and sold it.

Now you get 10% off list on guns. Retail on accessories.

I've bought 2 or 3 hundred items off ebay over the years and have not been taken. Some items were less than they were described, but I expect that with every purchase.

The stuff I've sold went well also. I require postal money orders only as payment and cash them before merchandise is shipped.

While my daughters boyfriend got a great deal, I don't think I'd spring for a high end scope off ebay. There are enough online discount places to buy and know that you have a recourse if there is a problem.
It's funny to watch eBay devolve. I used to have a fairly good hobby selling gun parts on there until they went nazi and banned almost everything firearms related from sale. They cancelled an auction for some M16 mag pouches claiming it was related to illegal machine gun parts. What d***s!

Anyway, it's good to see the community safe from FAL scope mounts while scams, ripoffs, counterfeit goods, and child porn thrives on eBay. Do a search for Baikal sometime. I did and the search came back with one buttplate and 7 Russian videos of little boys lifting weights in tights. The damn perverts are taking over this country.
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