Easily keep track of your ammo and gun accessory purchases

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Sep 4, 2005
Amerikan Twilight Zone
Of course, this only works for one company, but here goes for those of
you who shop there:


All you need to do is input your last name and zip code into the form

The form will show all your purchases for the last 120 days. It will show
exact amounts of ammo. If you bought 17 cases of 7.62x39 over the last
120 days, it will show this. If you bought a $1000 trijicon, it will show this.

It will also show your complete home mailing address. Yes, just by
putting in a last name and zip code in the form, it will send this back as
well without any further verification that you are, in fact, that person.

Obviously, this is a great way to help your other family members, relatives,
friends, neighbors, boss, co-workers who may not have internet access who
would also appreciate your help easily tracking their purchases for them.
Other than being nosey, I don't know why it is anyone's business except the buyer's. Good Big Brother stuff, but the police have access to all this information if you're suspected of a crime.
Wow, okie dokie then, I

haven't used them in a while and don't believe I will be again.

Thanks for the heads up

um 22rim my guess TBL last paragraph was snark............
Someone should email them to slap password protection on that page.

The database isn't a threat (everything is tracked via the credit card companies anymore) but the information should be made secure as possible.
The information should NOT be as freely available. I think I'll think twice about buying from them again.
Wow that is the worst possible security on an online database I've seen. Gun/ammo purchases aren't supposed to be publicly available like real estate purchases are (and even those are scarily too easily available online.)

If you really want to keep track of your purchases, save your receipts and keep a little notebook of your inventory and how much you shoot everytime you go to the range.
I tried "Line" with various zip codes and could not find anything.... seriously they just lost my business.

Even though for me it said:
The information you provided matched orders with different billing addresses.
Please enter your Billing Street Address below so we can access your order information
I know for certain that I am not the only Cxxxx in zip 98837 who uses SG. My trial comes up with only my purchases. Hmmmmmm

S-O-B batman. I've been doing business with them for years and never realized this!!!!! I didn't even use the link, just went to their website and hit "Order Status" to begin the snooping. I WON't be doing business with them again until this is FIXED!!!!! For those that are inclined to follow suit, TELL them, TELL them, TELL them why you quit buying from them. A lost costumer is expected in retail, but if they know WHY they're losing customers, it will help fix the problem. This SUCKS, but I don't think it's illegal as someone thought. But, it could be a goldmine for someone with bad intentions to find out what you've been buying.
I tried it with some common last names and zip codes and kept getting a request for an actual street address.
Someone should email them to slap password protection on that page.

I have done this at least twice this year. No response and no changes
were made.

I tried "Line" with various zip codes and could not find anything....


I would encourage everyone to contact them to change their system.

Quite frankly, doesn't the ease about how this can be retrieved by nearly
anyone potentially open them up to a cr@pload of liability? I know the
form fields that get spit back could easily be changed not to send street
addresses, but I also wonder how easily their entire database could still
get hacked since it's apparently just sitting on some server on the internet
right now.

Also, how many people in Military/LE use SG? This brings up another
issue altogether.
Wow, I wanted to believe that this wasn't true...I just typed in "Smith" and my cities zip code and got the name, address, and everything this guy Smith ordered this year...

Never buying from them again.

Just typed in "Stevens" as the last name and my local zip...I see he bought .223 tracer ammo I wonder what he's doing with that... I'm just glad I haven't bought anytihng from them recently!
Good bye Sportsman's Guide!

I recently gave up on Sportsman's Guide and I've been a four $ figure + customer for years.

Recently I ordered a Beeman dual caliber pellet gun for my son (30 years old) and used one of the coupons they send with every order.

I got a very curt letter from them about a week after placing the order informing me that they would not ship a pellet gun into Illinois because of Chicago and Cook County's ban on them.

I contacted customer service by phone and pointed out that my shipping address and my home address were not in Cook County or Chicago. I was told that the company, to avoid possible suits from Chicago, has decided to treat the entire state like it was Chicago.

Sorry SG, you were a good place to order from but you just lost me and my family as customers. When I start getting renewal notices on re-upping my club membership I'll remind you again of why you lost my business.

This violation of my privacy is just one more reason to go to one of your competitors.
Doesn't that set people up for being either robbed or burgled? It seems to give a crook a shopping list of nice things to steal, and where to steal them.

This link goes to your "Order Status" page. This page requires only a last name and zip code. With that information, you can view any purchase history in the last 4 months, as well as HOME ADDRESS of the purchaser. There is no further authentication required. As long as my personal information and private order history is this easily attainable and unsecure, I will not be ordering anything from your company. Please add some security measures, as I am not the only person that considers his firearm related purchases and home address to be private information. Once you have corrected this problem, I may patronize your business, but until then, I am sorely disappointed with the security of personal information on your website.

Thank you.

Email sent^
I have never bought anything from them, and this guarantees that I never will.
I don't know, I think SG is a good company. But I can assure you that I won't be buying anything from them as long as they have this feature on their website without having at least some security around it. Once they've fixed this, I'll be happy to give them business.
Here's what I just sent using their "contact us" page:

I cannot believe how incredibly unsecure your "Order Status Inquiry" page is.

If I'm a criminal, I can just plug in a random last name and a Zip Code to find a list of purchases for a given area. Skim that list for gun related purchases and now I've got a great shopping list for my burglary business. You've even made it very convenient by displaying the purchasers full name and HOME ADDRESS. Thanks, life is much easier now that I don't have to guess which house to break into.

Or maybe my potential employer is an anti-hunting zealot and will use the info to choose another applicant?

You may want to check this forum thread to see just how much business this website "feature" is costing you. I know you won't get any of my business while you make purchase information so readily accessible.

Maybe the next thing will be, some company will offer to record all our gun serial numbers, just in case we lose one. There aren't any of those stores where In live, but I'd never darken their door anyway.
Yeah, it works all right.

Privacy is almost forgotten notion. Either that, or carried to ridiculous extremes. I requested copies of my medical records on principle a while back and had to fill out a request to view my own information--most of which I provided in the first place. The humorless custodians couldn't wrap their minds around the absurdity of it all.

I took my revenge by getting what I wanted and ridiculing them for their small-mindedness. I'm sure they will never forgive me...

I give out as little information as possible, and if I can I fabricate stuff that I don't care about. Nosy questions don't deserve an honest answer anyway.
I requested copies of my medical records on principle a while back and had to fill out a request to view my own information--most of which I provided in the first place. The humorless custodians couldn't wrap their minds around the absurdity of it all.

Or perhaps they are painfully aware of the $50K fine and/or 1 year in jail for a HIPAA violation. I find it hard to begrudge the desire of anyone working in healthcare to ensure they practice "CYA" as they are constantly reminded how imporant HIPAA compliance is and the penalties for failing to comply.
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